E-Learning: Webinar and Video Gallery

The SOP E-Learning includes webinars and videos of a wide variety of topics to help districts and families of children with disabilities to gain knowledge of educational and community systems of support. Our SOP E-Learning will continue to grow! Check back often for new categories and new content!


  • Seeds of Partnership: Partnerships and New Possibilities: Special Education Focus -
    A. Pleet-Odle

    Produced by the Seeds of Partnership and funded by the California Department of Education Special Education Division.

    • Part 1: Building Alliances with Families and Promoting Partnerships - Dr. Amy Pleet-Odle provides an update to attendees on the National Dual Capacity Framework for Family Partnerships and implications of the Endrew F. v. Douglas County Supreme Court Decision. She facilitates an exploration of ways participants could promote empowering family partnerships.

    • Part 2: Practitioner Panel - Lessons Learned - Dr. Amy Pleet-Odle will provide an overview from Part 1, then facilitate an exploration of ways participants could promote empowering family partnerships through a panel discussion with the following panelists: Stephanie Coffman, 3rd grade teacher; Ashley Smith, Special Educator, 3rd grade Co-teachers in Ohio; Cara Phillips, Family Support Services, Frederick County Public Schools, Maryland; Derek Alexander, Business Consultant, Delaware Division for the Visually Impaired, Delaware; Casandra S. Guerrero, Special Education Program Specialist - Circle of Friends Club Advisor, San Benito High School, California.

  • Seeds of Partnership: Family Engagement That Leads to Increased Student Achievement
    Produced by Seeds of Partnership and funded by the California Department of Education Special Education Division. Topics include:
    • What is family engagement
    • Why family engagement is critical
    • Establishing effective and sustaining practices

  • Our Time Out Mothers' Group
    “Our Time Out” Mothers' Group was established in 1999. This grass roots, independent group has brought together mothers, grandmothers, and sisters who all share a very special bond of raising a child with a disability. The focus of the group is to take time out from our busy schedules to connect and share thoughts and ideas with other mothers in a positive, supportive environment. . Learn more about this group and parent perspectives from Judy Lee Our Time Out member since 1999, Lisa Welch (2008), Lisa Weaver (1999), Karen Diffley (2005), and Kristin Wright (1999). For more information, please contact Robin Ryan, Founder/Facilitator.

  • The Prieto Family's Journey: Birth to 3
    Heather shares her perspective and experience of the early years and everyday life of having a child with a disability. She describes her families journey through her daughter Gabby’s birth, early intervention services, service providers and support groups, new adventures and the transition to Preschool.