Test URLs

DOMAIN #1 - Social-Emotional Development

Strand: Self

Substrand: 1.0 Self-Awareness
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set up a small group station with a variety of mirrors and art materials while facilitating and modeling drawing pictures of self then engage child in conversation about what they drew and/or what they look like in the mirror.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Put several pictures in a photo album of child, family, friends, and look over pictures with child engaging in either verbal conversation about what you see or by using vocal output system or talking photo frame.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Create an all about me book. Using a small photo album, include pictures of family/pets/things child likes (toys, food), child doing favorite activities/ accomplishments.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Use songs and books to explore body parts and "I Am Unique" theme. Use books such as "The Family Book" to discuss the child's family.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set up a small group with paint, paper and meat trays. Have children make their own hand and foot prints by dipping them into the meat trays filled with various colors of paint. Compare hand and foot prints. Ask how are they the same or different? What makes them different? Size, width, length? What other things are the same or different? Hair color, eyes, etc.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Create an emotion-feeling choice board to use during circle time or throughout the day to express feelings and emotions to others.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Make a photo book of children in the classroom demonstrating the different emotions and label them for a book in the reading corner.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

At circle, have a discussion about things children like or do well. Provide sample pictures/examples of activities. Send home note to families about having children share the next day about activities/games they like and /or do well. Children can share things they like or do well through verbal discussion, photos, pictures, computer drawn pictures, or pre-recorded message via a Big Mac switch.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Trace the child's body on butcher paper. Have the child help cut out their paper body. Assist the child in coloring clothes and face parts. Use a mirror to discuss eye/hair color. Hang up paper bodies in the room, discuss different characteristics such as who is taller, who has dark hair, etc. Measure each paper body and discuss how big each child is.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Using the emotion faces or feeling chart-flowers create a sign-up activity on a cookie sheet or Velcro laminated poster asking, "How are you feeling?" You can also make a switch adapted spinner game and have children mimic the emotion.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Offer a dress up activity in front of a mirror with a small group of children in class (or at home). Help label various clothing articles verbally and with picture cards. "Who are you dressed up as? What do you do?" Acknowledge child in that role/activity.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Make a "My Emotions" video gallery using any phone, computer, iPad, or tablet using its camera to record peers with exaggerated facial expressions or acting out an emotion.  Store all of the videos in a single file within the photo gallery of the device.  Try to predict the emotions based on the thumbnail.  Press play to check and see if the prediction and emotion match.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Presume the competence and capability of children with complex communication and behavior needs and encourage them to speak for themselves.  

Substrand: 1.0 Self-Awareness
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Recognizing name when called in class or home settings

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Recognizing self in pictures

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Recognizing familiar people in pictures

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Communicating personal information such as name, age, and/or family names

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Describing self and others based on physical characteristics, behavior and abilities

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Making comparisons between self and others- characteristics and preferences

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Communicating preferences in daily activities

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Describing actions of self in activities (e.g., "I am cooking")

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Expressing likes and dislikes

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Demonstrating pride in accomplishments

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Labeling emotions

Substrand: 1.0 Self-Awareness
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Talking photo album with familiar pictures of child engaged in favorite activities

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Communication photo album with velcroed props of family member pictures

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a communication binder with directions and pictures ready to print

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a choice board using directions and pictures ready to print

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create an emotion-feeling choice board

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Access an informative short workshop on using visual communications and the group guide with pictures and voice

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a multiple message communicator (such as a Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) /Speech Generating Device (SGD)) or tablet/iPad with communication app within preferred activities that is pre-programmed and located in various environments

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Place communication icons or photos of expressive faces laminated and velcroed in a photo album or communication board with various emotions

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use simple sign language to help child express feelings

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

For children with a new Agumentative Alternative Communication (AAC) system, model learning new, practical communication skills in a natural, fun way

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

For students with significant motor difficulties, support access to play and learning opportunities by using alternate computer mouse capabilities such as eyegaze systems and camera mouse tracking head movements.  Use developmentally appropriate software to engage the student.

Substrand: 2.0 Self-Regulation
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

In a small group setting, introduce turn-taking 'rules' and scripts and engage children in role-playing using the newly learned words and strategies. With the group of children then introduce some new highly desired materials and toys to 'practice' using the scripts and problem solving strategies in facilitated play setting.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Tell the child he/she has 5 more minutes to play then it is time to clean up, showing child a visual timer if needed. After the set time, watch to see if the child cleans up independently. If the child needs a little help, first provide assistance and direction by directing the child to clean up "specific items" (e.g., pick up all of the square blocks (etc.). The number of items picked up can then be counted (e.g., find five of these blocks, etc.).

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Provide photos/computer drawn picture icons to demonstrate activities of the class or home routine. The schedule can be posted close to where the child enters the room or in bedroom.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

To ease transitions, give child a transition object to represent the next activity.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Post the daily class schedule/ routine in classroom for children to see. Point out the schedule to the child/children. This schedule will help children become familiar with events of the day and help them to anticipate what comes next. It can also be a reference point to introduce a change in events of the day by talking about what will be different today. The schedule can also be made portable on a key ring for children.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Write a scripted story to assist children in working through a specific and ongoing difficult situation.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Teach children a set of steps for 'calming down' (e.g. take a deep breath, count to three, put your hand on your tummy, use Turtle Technique). Give a visual 'menu' of options children can use to calm down (e.g. squashing clay, asking for a hug etc.).

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Make a "Helping Hand" in the classroom for anyone to grab. Make it by tracing a child's hand on poster board, then writing the word HELP on it. Teach children to bring it to an adult or peer in order to receive assistance.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Provide an area of the class (house or apartment) for 'quiet time', 'calm down time' or for 'breaks'. This will allow a child an area that he/she may go independently to positively meet his/her needs. The area can include a dark enclosed area such as a tent, with pillows, sensory/ fidget toys, roll-up mat, books and soft music. Teach, model and reinforce for children when to use this area when they are upset, need a 'break' or want some alone time.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Teach children to use problem solving steps to self-regulate.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Show the children a card with a birthday cake on one side and a flower on the other. Teach children how to take a deep breath when they see the flower and blow out the candle when they see the cake. Practice this throughout the day. Provide the visual cue for children when they begin to lose control and remind them to breath in the flower and blow out the candle. You can practice/model this with puppets also.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Have child hold an object until it is their turn, when their turn is over have child hand the object to the child waiting.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Use video to help children learn to take a deep breath when they have big emotions.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies
Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Substrand: 2.0 Self-Regulation
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Making independent transitions

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Following class routines

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Participating in group activities for increasing amounts of time with sensory supports or environmental cues

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Waiting for needs to be met for increasing amounts of time

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Appropriate communication strategies to initiate interactions or access to preferred items or activities

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Engaging in reciprocal social exchanges using appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Independently participating in games with rules

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Asking for help to get needs met throughout the day

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Appropriately requesting and/or responding to having time alone or a break when needed

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using self talk (e.g., "I take turns with my friends") on the slide

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Appropriately using calming strategies with adult prompts or independently

Substrand: 2.0 Self-Regulation
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use premade schedule boards to support transitions (must have Boardmaker to modify and print)

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use First-Then Communication Boards for task completion and finishing activity before going to the next—put current activity with the next preferred activity use velcro, clear contact/laminate pictures to attach to board

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use Picture Communication Symbol (PCS) schedule mounted on a portable board or ring

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use schedule board for class routines (directions and other options ready to print)

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use activity board, symbols, or communication cards for a step-by-step pictorial depiction of what's next

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

For group participation in stories, songs, and group activities. Use a Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) / tablet or iPad with communication app, or Speech Generating Device (SGD) with repetitive line recorded and related props

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Borrow a switch adapted toy and a latch timer from the AT Exchange to practice cause and effect independent play

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use an onscreen visual timer to indicate when the next activity will begin. Give child 5 minute warning using large numbers laminated on a sign. Begin with 5 and count down to 1 (can be a job for child to warn others)

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Provide child with fidget toys/sensory items to grasp/hold

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a visual timer or kitchen timer to assist in transitions or to indicate when a child's turn will start/end

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use picture cards to create choice board for games and turn taking

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use simple sign language to help child express feelings, desires or needs

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To make choices or indicate wants or requests such as "I want", "My turn", "I need a break, "All done", 'Bye-bye". Use PCS, VOCA/SGD or create a sign using cards with velcro on a fly swatter

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use everyday picture cards to create a choice board to support independence

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a talking photo frame to create a simple talking switch. (e.g., "I need a break") Example of where to buy simple switches

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use adapted spinners to allow independent participation or turn taking in games.  Look for adapted switches to borrow at the AT Exchange

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create choice board using photos of child's favorite calming objects/people for child to choose for comfort

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a ring of communication symbols, a communication book, communication cards, Eye Gaze Board (low tech), Computer Eye Gaze Screen (High Tech--try to borrow from AT Exchange), or  VOCA/SGD to make a request for help

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports
Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a "First-Then" schedule for behavior support using an iPhone or iPad app

Substrand: 3.0 Social and Emotional Understanding
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set up a variety of dolls in the house area including dolls with different skin tones and hair textures as well as dolls with chairs and braces. When playing dolls with the children engage children in a discussion of how the dolls might both look different as you may be changing the clothes. Extend the play by pretending that the dolls are feeling different emotions and engage children in play with emotions as well as conversations about the why's and what's.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set up emotion icons in a communication book and encourage children to communicate and label emotions, either with characters in the books that are read in the classroom or when peers/siblings experience different emotions.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Create an emotion-feeling choice board game and have child act out the emotion on which they land.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Utilize puppets to role play emotions in various contexts.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Sing a 'feelings' song and facilitate an activity where children use physical and situational clues to determine how a peer is feeling.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Create an all about me book. Using a small photo album, take pictures of children in the class doing favorite activities/ accomplishments and insert into book. Encourage child to notice similarities and differences.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set up the dramatic area with appropriate clothing and props related to various themes such as a birthday party, doctor visit, or eating at a restaurant. Have the teacher inquire/label children's feelings during activities. "How does that make you feel when acting out specific situations?", "How do your friends feel?" Build upon conversations children have with each other.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Provide photos/pictures of children's emotions, either on the wall or in a photo book, for children to identify with by pointing to the picture or activating a pre-recorded message (voice output device) to say how they feel. The pictures and voice messages provide another way to assist others in sharing of their feelings.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

As a disability awareness activity, show children adaptive equipment & materials in a small group setting (borrow materials and equipment here). Demonstrate how each piece of equipment is used. Allow children to use /play with certain materials (switches, adapted handle to hold paintbrush, sit on adapted chair, use a walking cane, etc.) Encourage questions. Talk about how these tools can help some children. Talk about similarities and differences amongst the children.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Read familiar books (e.g. Rainbow Fish or Glad Monster, Sad Monster) and discuss with children what makes them feel different emotions.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

When checking in each morning, have children choose a feeling face that best describes the way they feel. Put it next to the name, picture or onto a graph.

Substrand: 3.0 Social and Emotional Understanding
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Matching pictures/photos/icons showing emotions

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying own feelings/emotions (happy, sad, angry/mad, disappointed and surprised etc.)

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying feelings/emotions of peers or of children in photos or when presented with physical (face or body) clues

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Increasing vocabulary and/or using voice output systems to identify and/or express emotions

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying things 'same' and things 'different'

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Making predictions or inferences about social situations from books or stated scenarios (e.g., "How do you think that person would feel if…?)

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Learning the difference between appropriate and inappropriate ways to behave when angry

Substrand: 3.0 Social and Emotional Understanding
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a matching game with feeling pictures. Use adapted tools such as velcro friendly glove, sticky tack, and magnetic wands to match laminated pictures with corresponding items (objects, symbols, pictures)

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create or use a communication book, communication photo album with symbols or photos,  or communication cards with feelings to identify and label feelings

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a multiple message Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) /Speech Generated Device (SGD) (e.g., Go Talk, Cheap Talk, Activity Pad, Super Talker) programmed with feeling words to identify feelings or respond to questions about social situations

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use symbol, photos, communication cards or a two-choice VOCA/Speech Generating Device (Ablenet Go Talk 2, Super Talker, etc.) using feeling words to identify feelings or to respond to questions about social situations


Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Access emotional literacy resources CSEFEL Book Nook with easy-to-use guides. Consider books with various mediums (visual, auditory, tactile, could include braille or incorporate VOCA/SGD)

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create adapted interactive story books to promote literacy and interaction (must have Boardmaker to use)

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create several emotion choice boards and place around the classroom for a child to express feelings.  Try a variety of Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC) tools to help provide access to communication about emotions and feelings.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use any iPad, Tablet, or phone to create an "Emotions Folder."  Fill it with pictures and short videow of peers and teachers expressing different emotions with their face ofr whole body.  Print the pictures and see if you can match the printed photo with the one on the device.  Provide help swiping through the choices; stop when you have a match

Substrand: 4.0 Empathy and Caring
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Read self-created or purchased social stories which involve different emotions and how to respond to other's emotions appropriately.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Give positive feedback to a child when he/she asks questions, comments or uses icons to label or respond to another child in distress or need.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set up a basket where children can go to help their friends who are sad or hurt. Introduce this "care basket" with the whole group and talk about how it can be used. Ask children for their ideas too. Contents of the basket could include: happy face stickers, band-aids, books, teddy bears, sensory squishes (koosh ball), small vibrating toys.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Use puppets to demonstrate what happens when someone gets hurt. Have children suggest what should be done to help the hurt puppet.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set up a hospital in the dramatic play area. Provide animals or dolls for pretend play including giving shots, and fixing injuries with bandages and band-aids.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Read books to children that model how people take care of each other such as Runaway Bunny and Owl Babies.

Substrand: 4.0 Empathy and Caring
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Matching pictures/photos/icons showing emotions

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying own feelings/emotions or those of peers or children in photos

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using words and/or voice output systems to express emotions

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying things 'same' and things 'different'

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Making predictions or inferences about social situations from books or stated scenarios (e.g., "How do you think that person would feel if…?)

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Showing interest or concern about why a peer is angry, sad, or upset

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Learning to reach out to peers and to soothe or console (pats back, brings toy, gets a teacher)

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Learning to notice how others are feeling

Substrand: 4.0 Empathy and Caring
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Make two copies of the emotion-feeling board to make a matching game. Cut into squares, use velcro clear dots to secure to the board, use clear contact or laminate

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use/create a scripted story to support the understanding of other children's feelings

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a Picture a symbol or icon-based communication board, an iPad with a two-choice app, a two-choice or a multiple message Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) /Speech Generating Device (SGD) (e.g., Go Talk, Cheap Talk, Activity Pad, Super Talker) programmed with feeling words to identify feelings of others or to respond to questions about social situations

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a communication book, communication photo album, photo gallery on a tablet, PCS, or SymbolStix of feelings, to identify and label feelings

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create emotion-feeling board. Print and use during circle time or other times during the day as appropriate

Substrand: 5.0 Initiative in Learning
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set up a picture choice chart-planning guide for children to choose areas to play in with both novel and routine/preferred activities as choices.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set out a variety of different puzzles with different levels of difficulty including larger knob puzzles, self-contained puzzles and interlocking puzzles. Watch as children engage with the different puzzles. Suggest help when needed; talk about different strategies such as turning the puzzle pieces, looking for similar pieces. Encourage children as they work at completing each puzzle with newly learned strategies.

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Acknowledge a child's efforts and include encouragement and praise as intrinsic rewards to motive (e.g., "You helped your friend," or "See how hard your friend is working on that?. You can tell him 'you worked very hard.' ").

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Introduce new tools during sensory play (e.g., colored water and droppers to water play, garlic press in play-dough exploration).

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

When planning play activities, consider the various levels of materials. Incorporate blocks of various sizes, shapes, colors, lengths & weights. To create different weights fill cardboard boxes with rice or beans to provide sound producing blocks and tape them shut. Also, put magnets and velcro on some blocks to allow a different way to build. Talk about how tall or long children can build things. Help to expand the building of structures through verbally asking questions such as "What if the sea creatures or dinosaurs had to move or crawl through this, what will we need to do or add?"

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Prepare a science area or science activities with new and novel items to explore (e.g., magnifying glasses, pine cones, leaves, seeds, experiments).

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set up a large sensory table filled with birdseed. Place containers (various sizes), scoops, spoons and small animals in the birdseed. Label as children are filling containers. Pose questions such as "Who has more in their cup?" "Who has less in their container?" Expand the level of learning to more creative play with the animals." Where are the animals' homes?", "Let's build their homes.", "Which animal likes to lie on top of the birdseed and which animal likes to hide under the birdseed?" The sensory medium helps to provide access for all children and allows building on various levels of learning.

Substrand: 5.0 Initiative in Learning
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Independently exploring or accessing different play areas in a classroom

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Participating in novel group activities and tasks

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Noticing new items in the room

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Persisting in trying to solve a problem (e.g., completing a challenging puzzle)

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Engaging for longer periods of time in activities both adult led and child directed

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Peer imitation

Substrand: 5.0 Initiative in Learning
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Be mindful of universal design including accessibility of the physical environment for all (ability to move throughout surroundings with ease-use of walkers, dynamic standers, heights of materials on shelves; various sized materials; use of adapted software on computers and/ or iPads). Provide clear labelling of materials

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Stabilize an item within an activity as appropriate (e.g., non-skid shelf liner under toy to stabilize, use velcro on top and bottom of blocks to help stabilize when stacking)

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Enlarge, enhance and simplify the activity as appropriate

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a glue gun to attach wooden blocks to an item to support grasp on various items, such as puzzle pieces, cookie cutters or small drawers

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To increase grip area of a pencil, crayon, spoon/fork use sponge rollers, tape or sponge sheets to build-up the surface

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use switches to adapt toys, modify utensils, adapt books with page fluffers/turners

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

For stringing activities, use a pipe cleaner or wrap the end of yarn or string with duct/masking/packaging tape etc. to strengthen the tips

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use switch adapted appliances and toys along with a Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) /Speech Generated Device (SGD) programmed with sequenced directions for using the appliances/toys

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

If vocal or motor imitation are challenging, set up a predictable action or phrase that a child can perform with a peer. Use an adapted toy or prop to indicate their adapted response. (e.g., "What did you do today?", " Today I…" (child selects the appropriate response either voice output or pictures.)

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Find several strategies to teach social emotional skills (ready to print and make)

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create problem solving solution cards to help children with cues on how to solve or avoid challenges

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use/create a scripted story to teach ways to solve problems positively

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use First-Then Communication Boards for task completion and finishing activity before going to the next. Put current activity with the next preferred activity- use velcro, clear contact/laminate pictures to attach to board

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use an iPad with the Choice Works App to present activities in a clear, visual way

Domain 1
Strand: Self
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Strand: Social Interaction

Substrand: 1.0 Interactions with Familiar Adults
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Invite children to bring in their favorite items from home or something they might have made at home or in their childcare or school setting. Have a small group show-and-tell session with the children to engage in conversations about their favorite things.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set items out of child's' reach, wait and encourage child to request help for specific items using vocalizations, voice output system, sign language, or pictures.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Acknowledge children as helpers for adults. Ask children for their help during music time or setting the table. Ask them to help pass out musical instruments and collect when they are done. Ask children to set out the plates, napkins, silverware and cups on the table for mealtime. Comment on the success of their work.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Make a book or have a display that includes photos, names and personal interests of important people in the classroom and school (e.g., interns, class volunteers, school cook, etc.).

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

In a small group lesson, create a corresponding set of stations or places at the table to convey the number of children who can participate at one time. Talk about turn-taking and acknowledge the feelings of those children who have to wait to take their turn. Teach children appropriate greetings (e.g., handshake, wave, saying "hi") for how to greet school and community members they see regularly (e.g., bus driver, speech therapist, office staff).

Substrand: 1.0 Interactions with Familiar Adults
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Communication skills using either vocalizations, gestures, voice output device or Picture Exchange Communication

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Requesting help when needed from a variety of adults

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Responding to teacher/adult questions during class activities or in conversation

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Initiating interaction with adult (e.g., child shows teacher a picture they made)

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Engaging in reciprocal conversation or interaction with adult- increasing amount of turns

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Participation in group routines

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Playing with family member or familiar adult engaging in back and forth interaction through words, signs, facial expressions or exchange of toys/materials

Substrand: 1.0 Interactions with Familiar Adults
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Increase communication with children through examples from blogs and websites such as Child Talk Communication Tips and PrAACtical AAC

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use Picture Communication Symbol (PCS), Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) /Speech Generated Device (SGD), props, realia, switch adapted game spinners, and/or gestures to communicate wants in daily routines

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use CSEFEL Book Nook easy-to-use guides to teach ways to share toys and play with peers using books and pictures for supports

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use various activity boards to teach sequence of games, activities or routines (need Boardmaker to print, view or modify)

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To request help, make a ring of communication symbols, communication book, communication cards, eye gaze board (low tech), eye gaze computer screen (high tech), or VOCA/SGD.  Look for Assitive Technology to borrow and try out at the AT Exchange

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a choice board to indicate next desired activity and to answer adult questions about preferred choices

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a Tablet with a communication app, VOCA/SGD, Yes/No symbols, communication board/ book/ cards or another communication system to participate in conversations with preprogrammed appropriate responses

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

 Consider trying a variety of Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC) tools to support interactions with familiar adults

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create pictures or objects to use for song choices and participation (e.g., an adapted song such as, "If You're Happy and You Know It")

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

On a smartphone, iPad, VOCA, tablet or SGD, record a motivating repeating verse to a song for the student to participate in singing along

Substrand: 2.0 Interactions with Peers
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Bring bubbles with a few sets of different bubble wands to the park or outside and engage children in play taking turns to pop each other's bubbles. Watch to see how children decide and manage how to share and take turns with bubble wands as well as how they engage in shared delight and joy.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set up a variety of different blocks, construction worker uniforms, tools, and diagrams of 'buildings' in the block area. Facilitate play as children build next to each other sharing from a common set of blocks on the shelf. Encourage them to construct a common building and develop plans together on how to build.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

To support all children playing together, encourage play buddies to model appropriate play and belonging.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Use a social story, ready to down load and print on how to ask a friend to play?

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Use a scripted story to support the understanding of other children's feelings or CSEFEL solution kit to problem solve.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Have children take on different roles for making pizza. Have children wash their hands and get ready for cooking. Show children steps of making a pizza with pictures or felt pieces on a Velcro board. Ask for volunteers for making pizza. Some children will help in getting all the ingredients together-measuring amounts, some will make the dough, some will put on all ingredients on dough, help with washing dishes, and all can participate in eating. Ask children to tell their friends how many pieces of pizza they can eat?

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Label project, snack or game table with a number to indicate how many children can participate at one time. Model and teach children to use language such as, "This is a four person job".

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Allow 2-3 children to assemble a large floor puzzle together. Divide up the pieces and take turns to put the puzzle together. Encourage children to help each other.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Be strategic in how you group children together to foster friendships and provide good models for positive interactions.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Do "Buddy Art" or "Friendship Art" regularly where two children create art together. Examples are marble painting together with each child holding a side of a shallow box, rolling a few marbles around in paint. Children can also share easel space or work to create a sculpture together.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Provide toys and equipment that encourage cooperative play such as wagons, balls, and phones that children can hear each other talk through.

Substrand: 2.0 Interactions with Peers
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Appropriate verbal and/or non-verbal interactions with peers for longer periods of time with adult facilitation, then independently

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using peer names to gain their attention or reference

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Imitation of peers in play or within structured group activities

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Engaging with peers in reciprocal interactions, either verbally or non verbally, for an increasing amount of turns

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Appropriately joining in or initiating play with peers

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Maintaining play with peers for a greater amount of time

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Sharing materials with a peer, when requested

Substrand: 2.0 Interactions with Peers
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) /Speech Generating Device (SGD) (e.g., Go Talk, Cheap Talk, Activity Pad, Super Talker),  with preprogrammed appropriate questions/comments related to the shared activity.  For children using scanning to communicate, could use a small pen-light to highlight the appropriate interaction choice. Use prompt hierarchy to decrease level of cuing (scanning, intermittently highlighting the correct response, and finally a solid highlight)

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use photos and names printed and laminated on individual cards with popsicle sticks attached for the child to pick and greet individual children

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Adapt toys so all children can access them (e.g., velcro on baby doll clothes or dress up clothes; magnets on kitchen play items)

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a variety of Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC) tools, Communication Symbol Supports, VOCA/SGD, or create signs using cards with velcro on a fly swatter to tell a story or a joke

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Add velcro to a mitt to increase chances of catching an object and support successful participation

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Adapting toys, games, or other play materials to increase access and participation and opportunities for repeated turn-taking

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a visual timer or kitchen timer to assist in transitions and turn taking (e.g., set to indicate when a turn will start/end); also try these timer apps for Windows, iPad, and Android

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Add encouraging words to whichever communication board or device the student uses so she can become the encourager during an activity.  Add words or phrases like "Great job!" "Awesome!" "You are doing so well!--I love it" etc.  Allow the peer to use the device to encourage the AAC Learner while she takes a turn.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a choice board using picture cards for interacting with peers

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Using a VOCA and/or the switch operated spinner in a board game, the child could use pictures or printed names of peers to help with assigning classroom jobs.  Also try a Spinner app for Android or for iPad

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Borrow a Step-by-Step communication device from the Assistive Technology Device Lending Library.  Add directions or comments that promote participation in the game (i.e., "Whose turn is it?" "That's great!" "This is fun!")

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create "Light Tech" opportunities for children to communicate

Substrand: 2.0 Interactions with Peers
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set up an area of the classroom as a pretend birthday party (cakes, cake mix boxes, decorations, wrapping paper, presents, party hats/clothes, birthday plates and balloons). Encourage children to bake cakes, wrap each other's presents, and sing happy birthday. Observe children's participation (some sing along to the birthday song, while others may participate by pretending to stir ingredients, place cake in the oven, or serve cake to their friends.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

After finding out that a particular child has a high interest in superheroes, place several superhero masks and/or capes (materials or towels) outside. Along with a large box, either from home or recycled from the local store or school, watch and facilitate as needed ( e.g., pretend play involving the new 'bat mobile' car and the superheroes). Encourage children to 'save' pretend stuffed animals or other peers or climb like Spiderman to capture Green Goblin.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

In the dramatic area, put materials/props that a child may encounter during a doctor visit (e.g, white coats, gowns, masks, band aids, gauze, G tubes, suction tube, stethoscopes, shots, thermometers, x-rays, light table). Allow children to explore and interact with the materials and play with each other. Have an adult help to answer questions about new items (such as: G tube, suctioning tube) they have not seen and talk about how they help children eat or breathe.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

During outside play provide dramatic play materials such as baby dolls, water for washing dolls, towels for drying and clothes for dressing.

Substrand: 2.0 Interactions with Peers
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Appropriate verbal and/or non-verbal interactions with peers for longer periods of time with adult facilitation--then independently

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using peer names in order to gain their attention or reference

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Imitating peers in play or structured group activities

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Engaging with peers in reciprocal interactions (either verbally or non verbally) for an increasing amount of turns

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Joining in/initiating play with peers

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Maintaining play with peers for a greater amount of time

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Acting out familiar play schemes using props in an imaginary way

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Given adult facilitation, engage in role-playing with peers for increased amounts of time

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Negotiating roles and/or 'next steps' cooperatively in play with peers

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Acting out or role-playing a familiar story read in class (e.g., Three Little Pigs)

Substrand: 2.0 Interactions with Peers
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

On a communication board or Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) /Speech Generated Device (SGD), use a small pen-light to highlight the appropriate interaction choice. Use prompt hierarchy to decrease level of cuing (scanning, intermittently highlighting the correct response, and finally a solid highlight)

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Adapting toys, games, or other play materials to increase access, participation, opportunities for initiation, and repeated turn taking

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create adapted props for stories/activities (such as playing princess or pirates). Use pictures of the materials- attach these props to popsicle sticks or flyswatters. Use Velcro or elastic hair bands to secure masks and crowns

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a multiple message VOCA/SGD (Go Talk, Cheap Talk, Activity Pad, Super Talker) programmed with choices of roles and next steps, a Step-by-Step to give a series of directions, or a script for a peer to follow

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use Aided Language Input modeling strategies with light tech communication board during a fun activity like playing with building blocks, or during dress up play.  Encourage peers play and use the communication board to communicate together

Substrand: 2.0 Interactions with Peers
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

At the play dough table, bring out a new garlic press (a favorite spaghetti making tool) along with maybe some less preferred new play dough tools. Review scripts for asking and waiting for turn and appropriate classroom sharing procedures. Monitor the play as children at the table practice using words with vocalizations, gestures/signs, pictures of strategies, or voice output system.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Use puppets to act out examples of pushing or fighting over favorite items. Ask children to either explain how to solve the problem in another way, or act it out before going outside to play with these favorite items. Bring the puppet outside to further assist in role-playing, modeling, sharing, and conflict negotiation. Encourage children to use words or strategy cards/pictures when a conflict seems imminent.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Utilize CSEFEL resources in teaching social emotional skills for conflict resolution

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

In a small group, bring out a variety of items for puppet play (e.g., puppets, pretend ice cream cones, money and a puppet stage) You can make a puppet stage using a cardboard box with a cut out area for puppets to act. Help to facilitate going to the store to buy ice cream cones. Help children by "coaching" various steps in buying a cone. "What flavor would you like?" "We only have 3 chocolate ice cream cones and 1 vanilla left.", "There are five children, what can we do?" Help facilitate problem solving with the children.

Substrand: 2.0 Interactions with Peers
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Indicating 'my turn' to gain access to materials peers are using

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Communicating likes and dislikes

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Requesting an adult's help in solving conflicts with peers

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying solutions to negotiating problems in play with peers

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Independently resolving conflicts with peers

Substrand: 2.0 Interactions with Peers
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a single message Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) /Speech Generated Device (SGD) or iPad with an app to request access to activities and materials ("My turn", "Can I play?." "I want one.", "Your turn.")

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To indicate likes and dislikes, use a two-choice communication board with symbols or pictures, or a VOCA/SGD, with yes/no choices.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Using a PCS system, velcro a communication card onto a flyswatter/ paddle/mitt or use a single message VOCA/SGD to request help ("Help me", "I need you", "I'm hurt".)

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use Aided Language Input modeling strategies with a light tech communication board during a fun activity like playing dress up or with building blocks.  Have a peer play and use the board as well.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use or create a Communication board with symbols or pictures, VOCA/SGD, or a communication app with multiple solutions in pictorial form such as CSEFEL solution kit ("play together", "ask nicely" "Say, please stop.")

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a First –Then Communication Board to indicate turn taking and sequence of events

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a visual timer, kitchen timer, or timer apps for windows, iPad, or Android to assist in turn taking (e.g., set to indicate when a trun will start/end)

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Provide communication supports for settling disputes using an iPad app or communication boards.  Have them readily available for peers to use to settle disagreements

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use Aided Language Input modeling strategies with a low tech communication board to show children how to properly resolve conflict and learn new vocabulary

Substrand: 3.0 Group Participation
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Organize a game of "red-light, green-light", invite different children to be the leader as they help others to go and stop on their cue. Watch to see who follows the game rules; as well as those who take greater initiative in communicating rules to others.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Play routine songs each day at the same time and watch for increasing participation and interest in movement and gestures. After a few days with familiar songs begin to add new elements such as "Simon Says" to watch for further interest in imitation.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

In a small group talk with children about the game of "Doggie, Doggie Where's My Bone?" Have the children sit in a circle. Describe to the children that a dog biscuit is passed from child to child around the circle while one child sits in the center of the circle pretending to be the dog with his head down and eyes closed. When the song stops, the child who has the dog biscuit hides it in his/her lap. The child in the center tries to guess who has it. Child with dog biscuit then goes to the center. Song: "Doggie, Doggie Where's My Bone?" Repeat several times.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Facilitate music / gross motor activities that children can choose to participate in during choice time (e.g. Hokey Pokey, Going on a Bear Hunt, Heads, Shoulders, Knees & Toes, Pass the Beanbag).

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Use engaging items (e.g. beanbags, squishy ball, feely box, scarves, rhythm sticks), movement activities, and name games to encourage participation at circle time.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Think through group size and form well balanced groups based on interests of the children, developmental levels, and emerging friendships.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Encourage all children to be "teaching buddies" with others. Highlight strengths and capabilities.

Substrand: 3.0 Group Participation
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Participating in group activities for increasing amounts of time

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Peer imitation

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Joining in/initiating play in group activities

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Maintaining interest/attention to large or small group activity

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Maintaining play with peers for a greater amount of time

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Participating in games/activities with rules

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Following and participating in group routines

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Responding to group directions

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Negotiating roles and/or 'next steps' cooperatively in play with peers

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Waiting for a turn

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Sharing materials with peers

Substrand: 3.0 Group Participation
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To select items or express a repetitive line to initiate turn-taking in the group (e.g., circle time, book reading, songs, dramatic play) create or use a communication system such as a communication can, eye gaze board, foam doorknob hanger, or encourage the use of a Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA), iPad/tablet with communication app, or Speech Generating Device (SGD)

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a visual timer or kitchen egg timer to assist in transitions and turn taking—set it to indicate when a turn will start/end

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a communication flip book and use the games and color page to choose items on the board

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a board with the rules of the game, group rules, class rules, and roles on an iPad communication app

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

If vocal or motor imitation are challenging, set up a predictable action or phrase that a child can perform with a peer. Use an adapted toy or prop to indicate their adapted response. ("What did you do today?"  "Today I…" (and selects the appropriate response with either voice output, Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC), or pictures)

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Adapting toys, games, or other play materials to increase access, participation, and opportunities for initiation.  Consider obtaining or creating an Adaptation Bin to keep in the classroom

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To assist in increasing success and continued participation in activites, try adapting toys, games, and other play materials in order to increase access, participation, and opportunities for repeated turn taking (e.g., use a mitt with velcro attached --look for ideas to borrow on AT Exchange

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a switch adapted spinner for participation in board games.  Also try a Spinner app for Android or for iPad

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Program game rules into a multiple message VOCA/ Speech Generated Device (SGD)(Go Talk, Cheap Talk, Activity Pad, Super Talker) or iPad communication app

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a PCS activity boards for games with directions and choices ("My turn", "Spin"). Use a Step-By-Step VOCA to read the rules to all

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To indicate turn taking and sequence of events, use a First - Then Communication Board for step-by-step pictorial depiction of what's next


Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To provide a visual cue, use large symbols of group directions (such as "stand in line")

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Cut out feet shapes and place on the floor to give a visual of where you want child to stand/sit

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a multiple message VOCA/SGD (Go Talk, Cheap Talk, Activity Pad, Super Talker) programmed with choices of roles and next steps

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use picture cards to create a choice board for group participation

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Have students "retell what happened" after filming an exciting group activity using the pictures and video on an iPad or other device's camera roll.  While watching the video, use positive descriptive acknowledgement to point out helpful and collaborative efforts by children

Substrand: 4.0 Cooperation and Responsibility
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Give positive, descriptive feedback throughout the day whenever he/she may follow classroom, home, or therapy rules; watch for signs of pride and accomplishment.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set up home/ classroom/ therapy jobs that display a child's interest in helping and having responsibility for a job. Jobs in the classroom can happen as a matter of routine (snack helper, bell ringer, book basket helper etc.) as well as jobs that might be more spontaneous (paintbrush cleaner, beanbag collector). Give children special aprons or hats to wear as they are helping in order to create additional interest.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Provide children with recognition and positive, descriptive feedback of their help with transitions or clean up activities through a short song.  "DeBria is putting the toys on shelves, toys on shelves" and "Henry is putting the play dough away, play dough away." Singing or providing recognition of "child by name" acknowledges their cooperation in a specific activity.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Make "friend files" using Venn Diagrams. Identify things each child likes and notice the intersecting interests.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Keep cleaning supplies (e.g. child-sized dust pan and broom, paper towel, soap) available and teach children how to use them to clean-up child-sized jobs.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Establish classroom expectations and reinforce them every day. Display visual reminders in the classroom. Role-play with adults and puppets to reinforce the expectations.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

During small group activities have children learn to set up and put items away for the activity. Initially assist with visual/picture cards for steps and fade as needed.

Substrand: 4.0 Cooperation and Responsibility
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Following classroom directions and rules

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Participating in group routines and/or classroom 'jobs'

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Communication skills using either vocalizations, gestures, voice output device or Picture Exchange Communication

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Requesting help when needed from a variety of adults

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Responding to teacher/adult questions during class activities or in conversation

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Developing a close relationship with at least one adult other than the parent.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Demonstrating pride in work and behavior. Responding positively to teacher's recognition of child's hard work.

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Completing set up and take down for group activity with peers.

Substrand: 4.0 Cooperation and Responsibility
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create an individual schedule board (instructions included). Use picture icons included or cut pictures from magazines.  Also try using a scheduling app

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Provide a general visual schedule of daily routines, expectations, and jobs in vertical columns with specific steps of each routine in the horizontal column (symbols/photos) and display at child level for all children in the classroom. Some children will benefit from individual communication books with schedules

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use light tech communication board with symbols/Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) /Speech Generated Device (SGD), props, and/or gestures to communicate wants in daily routines

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To assist in requesting help, use a ring of communication symbols, communication book, communication can, Pictures/Picture Symbols, or VOCA/SGD

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use PCS, VOCA/SGD, Yes/No symbols, Partner Assisted Scanning, communication board/book/can, Yes/No app, or other communication system to participate in conversations with preprogrammed appropriate responses

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use First –Then Communication Board to indicate turn taking and sequence of events. Web page also includes social skills symbols and other communication board selections (must have board maker to view, print or modify)

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create problem solving solution cards to help children with cues on how to solve or avoid challenges

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Find several strategies to teach social emotional skills (ready to print and make)

Domain 1
Strand: Social Interaction
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Take pictures of objects, create a simple choice board, or use a communication app for activities that will help a child to comfort self when distressed

Strand: Relationships

Substrand: 1.0 Attachments to Parents
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Suggest that a parent 'go to the bathroom' to test how comfortably a child may separate and independently move about the room for increasing amounts of time. Assign each staff member primary caregiving/teaching responsibility over individual children.

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

When leaving the classroom or therapy setting watch to see how the child communicates to his/her caregiver for things like helping with a jacket, showing pieces of art work, or in communicating what they may have done that day with words and/or pictures.

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Ask children to share things about what they like to do with their families: do they like to go to the park, do they like to read books, do they like to ride bikes, etc. Also gather information from parents through a communication book that goes back and forth from home to school about details of family events. Next have children put together a class book about things they do with their families. Have the children draw pictures, and adult write dictated words given by children. This allows children to share information in different ways.

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Have families put together a portable photo book with family photos and special events. Add textures that may represent events and audio to go along with event. This can be used in many locations for the child. It represents a concrete connection with family.

Substrand: 1.0 Attachments to Parents
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Participating independently in classroom activities

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Requesting help for needs to be met

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Exploring new environments

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Requesting help in solving conflicts at home

Substrand: 1.0 Attachments to Parents
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Adapting toys, games, other play materials to increase access/participation/opportunities for independent play.  Free trials of adapted toys are available from the Assistive Technology Exchange (click on AT Exchange)

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create solution cards for problem solving to help children with cues on how to solve or avoid challenges

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Find several strategies to teach social emotional skills (ready to print and make)

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create an indivudualized schedule board, or use an iPad app for child to understand routines as they enter a new classroom. Or create a schedule board from realia that represent each routine

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To request help or express needs, make a ring of communication symbols, a communication book, a communication can, an eye gaze board, a Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) /Speech Generated Device (SGD)

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Consider seating, positioning and mobility adaptations (equipment is available to try from the Assistive Technology Exchange)

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use/create a scripted story to support the understanding of the child's feelings

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To gain assistance from adults (e.g., "I need help.") use a Picture Communication Symbol (PCS) choice board, communication can, picture ring, Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) /Speech Generated Device (SGD) (Ex. Go Talk, Cheap Talk, Activity Pad, Super Talker)that is  programmed with multiple messages

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Offer child a desired object to assist with self-regulation or transitions

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a First –Then Communication Board to indicate turn taking and sequence of events (includes social skills, symbols and other communication board selections - must have Boardmaker to print or modify)

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Take pictures and create a simple choice board of activities or objects that help a child to comfort self when distressed.

Substrand: 1.0 Attachments to Parents
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

On home visits or visits with the family at the end or beginning of the day/session, take time to talk to the both the child and family about what they did that day and/ or about anything new that they might be doing at home to incorporate in conversation or play.

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

At meal or snack time engage children in conversation about what they do at home, how they help and who lives in their family. For those children who may not have the words quite yet or are shy, incorporate pictures of family members and common ways of helping at home.

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Read children's books about families. Create a book for each child about their family with pictures and include names of parents, siblings, pets, etc.

Substrand: 1.0 Attachments to Parents
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Appropriate communication of feelings

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Communicating interests and preferences

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Recalling past experiences or events through play or communication

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Sharing something child made at school with a caregiver

Substrand: 1.0 Attachments to Parents
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a communication binder , a choice board, or customize a communication app to talk about the child's favorite things

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To help child identify and label feelings create a communication book/photo album, or Picture Communication Symbol (PCS) of feelings

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a light tech communication system or single or multiple message Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) /Speech Generated Device (SGD) (Go Talk, Cheap Talk, Activity Pad, Super Talker) programmed with words to identify interests and preferences

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create feeling-emotion choice board

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use or create a visual scene, light tech communication system, remnant book, sequenced VOCA/SGD messages to share experiences

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use or create a communication choice board to encourage child to describe to an adult  what hurts by using selections on a choice board

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create an All About Me book for child to interact with adult regarding experiences

Substrand: 1.0 Attachments to Parents
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Start each day with the same routines to create stability and comfort as parents gradually begin to fade from participation with their child.

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Ask the family to provide special things for their child to hold, look at, or listen to while they are in new, different places or with new people. Some examples of special things a family could provide are: pictures of the family, picture of a fun event the child attended (State Fair: seeing and petting the animals, cuddly toys, special book, special music or voice recordings of the family). All of these unique and special items can help a child with separation.

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Create a visual schedule for the child and/or the whole class. Include pictures of the caregiver bringing child to school and picking them up at the end of the day. Refer to the schedule often and discuss it with the child when he/she is calm. Have the child predict what happens next and when they will go home.

Substrand: 1.0 Attachments to Parents
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Independently exploring new environments

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Participating in class routines

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Acknowledging greetings and departures vocally or through gestures

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Recalling events that happened previously in the day

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using appropriate coping strategies to deal with emotions (e.g., going to quiet area, using music, materials/toys)

Substrand: 1.0 Attachments to Parents
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Consider seating, positioning, and mobily adaptations

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create choice board/ visual support for home/school use for child to share experiences at home or school

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Adapt toys, games, and other play materials to increase access and participation and opportunities for exploration.

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To label shelves, toy bins, walls or table tops, use clear packing tape or clear contact paper to cover icons/pictures/words

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Adapt puzzles, books, utensils, pop-up toys, shape sorters, easel etc. to support child in transition times

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Consider adaptations of instruction, environment, classroom routines, seating, positioning, curriculum, materials, etc. to provide access to participation

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

A single message Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) /Speech Generated Device (SGD) can be placed throughout classroom area with greetings recorded

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a PCS choice board, communication can, or VOCA/SGD with multiple solutions in pictorial form indicating possible solutions ("Walk away." "Take a break." "Take deep breaths.")

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use scripted story to support communication and express needs

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use choice board to support and regulate child's emotions  such as "Help Me to Relax" (need Boardmaker to open/ print)

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Take pictures and create a simple choice board of activities or objects that help a child to comfort self when distressed

Substrand: 2.0 Close Relationships with Teachers and Caregivers
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Take photos of all the teachers in the class. Put them in a photo album for the child to take home and share with family, and make another as a part of a daily communication book

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Use role plays with puppets to show children examples of when to come to a teacher for help. Then share various examples of how to communicate needs (e.g, using words, sign language, alternative communication - such as low tech pictures of 'help' or using high tech devices such as VOCA/SGD).

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Allow time within daily routines (e.g., getting dressed to go outside or mealtime) to listen to children and have conversations in order to develop relationships.

Substrand: 2.0 Close Relationships with Teachers and Caregivers
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Requesting adult help to get needs met or when in a conflict

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Independently engaging with classroom materials and with peers

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Communicating preferences

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Communicating feelings

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Engaging in conversation or interactions with adults for increasing amounts of turns

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Showing pride in their accomplishments and sharing them with the teacher

Substrand: 2.0 Close Relationships with Teachers and Caregivers
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use pictures for child to request support. Then utilize a  First-Then Board to indicate next activity/sequence

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To assist a child in requesting help, use or create a communication book, a ring of symbols, an eye gaze board, or VOCA/SGD 

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To encourage seeking interactions with an adult, make available appropriate materials (e.g., adapted toys, modified utensils, added knobs on puzzles, adapted books, preprogrammed Voice Output Ccommunication Aid (VOCA)/Speech Generating Device (SGD), or communication app with related messages etc.)

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use PCS, VOCA/SGD, props, partner assisted scanning, and/or gestures to communicate wants and needs in classroom and daily routines

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use PCS, VOCA/SGD, Yes/No symbols, communication board/book/can or other communication system to participate in conversations with preprogrammed appropriate responses.

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use PCS,  with a conversational script attached with velcro to a popsicle stick or fly swatter as a sign, or use a VOCA/SGD (See AAC Intervention by C. Musselwhite)

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use feeling chart/board to communicate feelings

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Take photos or videos on a tablet, computer, or iPad and create an emotions picture gallery to help identify feelings and emotions

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Take pictures and create a simple choice board of activities or objects that help a child to comfort self when distressed

Substrand: 2.0 Close Relationships with Teachers and Caregivers
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set up an art gallery wall in your room so that children have a choice to come to teachers to display their art in a special spot that teacher's highlight each week. Encourage children as they are doing art projects or writing in the writing center to think about putting their finished product in the art gallery.

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Each day stand by the door as children are coming into the room,  greet children and families using home language, gestures, or device.

Substrand: 2.0 Close Relationships with Teachers and Caregivers
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Communicating preferences or interests

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Communicating feelings

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Engaging in conversation or interactions with adults for increasing amounts of turns

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Participating in classroom routines and activities independently

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Following classroom routines and directions

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Initiating greeting using teacher names or using alternative methods to initiate a greeting (e.g., hug, tapping on the shoulder)

Substrand: 2.0 Close Relationships with Teachers and Caregivers
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To communicate wants/needs in daily classroom routines, use PCS, VOCA/SGD, props, switch adapted game spinners, and/or gestures

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To participate in conversations, use PCS, Yes/No symbols, communication board/book/can, VOCA/SGD preprogrammed with appropriate responses, or other communication system

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use communication icons or photos,  with a conversational script attached with velcro to a popsicle stick or fly swatter as a sign, or use  a VOCA/SGD (See AAC Intervention by C. Musselwhite)

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To encourage positive adult-child interaction make available appropriate materials (e.g., adapted toys, modified utensils, added knobs on puzzles, adapted books, preprogrammed VOCA/SGD with related messages etc.

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a visual schedule of the daily routine, that is posted in classroom as well as a hand held version to provide visual clues for routines and directions (e.g., use a foam doorknob hanger, ring of symbols with velcro for use on posted ot handheld schedule)

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To assist a child in greeting/interaction with individual teachers, use photos and names printed/laminated on individual cards, attached to popsicle sticks

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use simple signs and gestures to communicate

Substrand: 3.0 Friendships
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Place pictures of the children in the classroom or group pictures in several areas of the room so that all children can access pictures of their friends to communicate their interest with whom they'd like to play.

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Encourage parents/children to bring in pictures of the child's neighborhood friends, friends from childcare settings, or from other groups to share with teachers/caregivers/peers.

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Notice friendships that have begun with small groups of children (pairs). Acknowledge their friendship by suggesting that they role play a story together or sing a song together. Dismiss the pair together from circle to help set up the table, and encourage pair to play together in dress up area.

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Design interest/choice area spaces to comfortably accomodate small groups of children including those who may use chairs, walkers, or have a more challenging time managing their learning environment.

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set up a mailbox and encourage children to write letters to one another or to a peer in a nearby class.

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Help facilitate beginning friendships. Start with materials that are of similar interest to a small group of children. Guide interaction initially and then fade adult guidance to have children independently interact and form friendships. The facilitator could be an adult or another peer with some coaching.

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Excuse children to recess or to group times with a buddy.

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Use puppets to talk about friends and what it means to be a friend.

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Provide opportunities for "Buddy Art" which requires two children to work together on an art project.

Substrand: 3.0 Friendships
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying peers by name or in pictures

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Engaging in play with peers for longer periods of time with increasing independence

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Recalling or communicating past experience with a peer

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Sharing common class materials with peers

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Engaging with peers in role playing activities

Substrand: 3.0 Friendships
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To assist a child to greet individual children, use photos and names printed/laminated on individual cards attached to popsicle sticks

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To initiate turn-taking in a group (e.g., circle time, book reading, songs, dramatic play, etc.) use a communication board with photos or communication icons, a communication appcommunication board, eye gaze board or VOCA/SGD 

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a communication book, remnant book or talking photo album to review a previous activity

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To encourage peer play create/provide adapted material (e.g., adapted toys, glue knobs on puzzles, adapted books with page fluffers and turners

Domain 1
Strand: Relationships
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Modify props for dramatic play or story time (e.g., use finger puppets versus whole hand, use pictures of the materials and attach them with velcro or glue to sticks/flyswatters, add/build up handle to magic wands, add velcro to crowns and other items, use elastic hair bands with attached velcro

DOMAIN #2 - Language and Literacy

Strand: Listening and Speaking

Substrand: 1.0 Language Use and Conventions
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

During journal time, or when drawing pictures, use opened ended questions to invite children to talk about the work they have done such as "tell me about your drawing…" For children who are working on language, set up some alternative means of communication (such as pictures, using signs, or a communication device) in order to express things like what color they used, or want to use to continue coloring, or what they have drawn.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

During snack or mealtime, wait for children to communicate appropriate requests and refusals for the different available food items. Build on existing language by having conversations about whether children like or dislike certain food, whether they eat that food at home and/or what that food looks, feels, and tastes like. For children who may be working on more advanced language, ask about where that food might come from, what recipes we might make from the food.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

In a small group select a story to read (such as Brown Bear What Do You See or I Went Walking). Accompany the book with a Velcro board, material items (something children can hold) representing animals that can be put on the board. Read through the story and have the children help with parts of the story by putting up the animals on the Velcro board that respectively correspond. Next begin to read the story a second time and stop after a page or two and ask "What comes next?" Child can verbally answer, sign his/her answer, choose 1 picture from a selection of 2 to share prediction, or make a choice between 2 Big Mac devices (with pre-recorded messages) by activating switch. Continue reading and asking for predictions.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Make and use puppets to retell favorite stories with familiar characters (e.g. The Little Red Hen, Very Hungry Caterpillar, Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Gingerbread Boy).

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Take dictation (e.g., audio cassette, computer, pencil & paper) of a story a child wants to tell.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Encourage children to take home 'story notebooks' and dictate a story to a family member.

Substrand: 1.0 Language Use and Conventions
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Making requests by using vocalizations, gestures, sign, picture or object icons, or a voice output device,.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using communication to describe items or activities in the environment

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Greeting peers and teachers using verbal or non-verbal communication

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Communicating "all done" or expressing appropriate refusal of non preferred items

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Responding to teacher and peer requests and/or greetings

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Asking questions to gather new/more information

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Predicting what occurs next in story or life cycle (example: caterpillar turning into a butterfly)

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Verbalizing problem-solving suggestions for activities ("Let's add more water, so we can stir it")

Substrand: 1.0 Language Use and Conventions
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a choice board or communication/choice binder for child to request desired items. Take pictures of favorite items or get them from catalogs

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a multiple message communicator such as a Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) or a Speech Generated Device (SGD) within preferred activities pre-programmed and located in various environments in the classroom

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

On a communication board or Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) /Speech Generated Device (SGD), use a small pen-light to highlight the appropriate interaction choice. Use prompt hierarchy to decrease level of cuing (scanning, intermittently highlighting the correct response, and finally a solid highlight)

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use photos and names printed and laminated on individual cards with popsicle sticks attached for the child to pick and greet individual peers and teachers. Use a VOCA (4-9 choices) or an iPad with a commmunication app to program greetings for each child in class

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To assist child in indicating likes and dislikes, use a two choice communication system such as a communication can/board or a VOCA/SGD, with yes/no choices

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To participate in conversations use a communication board/book/can or other communication system with pre-programmed appropriate responses.  Use aided language modeling strategies to support learning of the vocabulary.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use sign language or gestures  or a remnant book to communicate

Substrand: 1.0 Language Use and Conventions
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Repeat what children are saying, even if it is not quite clear yet. Extend their thought and sentence by one or two words (e.g., model correct language and pronunciation, but do not ask them to repeat it back)

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

During circle time, invite all children to use different modes of communication (e.g., sign language, picture communication or devices) when answering questions or taking turns. This offers the classroom community a different means of communication that maybe only one or two children might typically be using to express themselves. For example, while reading the Three Billy Goats Gruff, teach all the children the sign for 'goat' and 'troll' and/or have several children take turns pushing the Big Mac pre-recorded with 'trip-trap' 'trip-trap' etc.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

In a small group provide opportunities for children to sing songs together. Children can imitate singing verbally, with sign and gestures, or by activating voice output device (pre-recorded). Read aloud together the same story in a book. Possible songs and books to sing and then read are: The Wheels on the Bus, Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar, etc.

Substrand: 1.0 Language Use and Conventions
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Communicating effectively using either vocalizations or alternative system (sign, pictures, voice output device, or gesture) to have needs met

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Communicating effectively using either vocalizations or alternative system  (sign, pictures, voice output device, or gesture) to share thoughts, feelings and experiences

Substrand: 1.0 Language Use and Conventions
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a choice board or choice binder for child to request desired items. Take pictures of favorite items or cut them out from catalogs

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use sign language or gestures to communicate

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To communicate wants in daily routines use Picture Communication Symbol (PCS), Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) Speech Generated Device (SGD) props, partner assisted scanning strategies, and/or gestures

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To request help, use a ring of communication symbols or communication book/can, eye gaze board, VOCA/SGD to request help

Substrand: 1.0 Language Use and Conventions
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

When playing cars in the block area, take turns making car sounds as you are driving cars down the ramps to engage in early turn taking in conversations.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Write a classroom scripted story about talking to friends and teachers in which a child engages in appropriate social communication skills  (e.g.,listening or responding to what people are talking about, giving people bubble space, talking in a 'just right' voice, appropriately gaining the attention of others by using their name). In the social story, use visuals for children to quickly identify and remember key skills.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Pretend to go to the library or if possible go on a field trip to the library to highlight the importance of soft voices. Teach children the cue of looking up to see if there is a ceiling. This means you use an inside voice rather than an outside voice. Have children practice inside voices inside and then step outside to use outside voices.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Practice using an inside voice at snack by having a pretend restaurant table. Talk about the importance of using a quiet voice when going to a restaurant to eat.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Describe pianissimo and fortissimo on a piano and explain how we do this with our voices as well. Include some of Linda Conrad's social songs like the "The Listening Song", example found at Songs for Teaching website.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

During dramatic play, for instance while children are gathered around the cooking items, encourage back and forth conversation. Talk about how close we like to be when talking with each other. Talk about ordering items at a restaurant and how to talk with different people.

Substrand: 1.0 Language Use and Conventions
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using appropriate non-verbal body language for interaction

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Commenting on relevant content either related to conversation or activities in the environment

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Engaging in conversation for increasing amounts of turns with adults and peers

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using appropriate volume to match environmental situation

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Displaying appropriate social space when conversing with peers and adults

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using appropriate manners such as saying, "please" and "thank you"

Substrand: 1.0 Language Use and Conventions
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a choice board or communication/choice binder for child to request desired items. Take pictures of favorite items or cut them out from catalogs

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use sign language or gestures to communicate

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use an Eye Gaze Board for identifying non-verbal body language

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To identify feelings, use a multiple message Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) Speech Generated Device (SGD) (such as Go Talk, Cheap Talk, Activity Pad, Super Talker) programmed with feeling words

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a communication book, talking photo album or remnant book to review a previous activity

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To request access to activities and materials use a single message VOCA/SGD preprogrammed with statements  (e.g., "My turn", "Can I play?", "I want one", "Your turn")

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create two voice recordings on a simple VOCA/SGD; one loud and one soft message that the child chooses for the situation

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use icons for identifying loud and soft communication

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Consider using a voice meter which provides a visual rating of vocal volume to discriminate appropriate sound levels

Substrand: 1.0 Language Use and Conventions
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

When reading books together, take turns telling the story based on the pictures on each page. Use books children might know from past story times and also new books that might require a little more imaginative story telling.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Encourage children to recall what they have done during the course of that day. Use visuals to help the child to retell their day if they do not quite have the words yet. For example, use an icon of 'circle time' along with an icon of 'Old MacDonald' or 'small group' and 'painting', 'snack' and 'crackers'. Could be used for a child to communicate what they did during specific routines and the order in which they happened.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Have a child choose a sticker from a sheet of stickers. Have them put it in their journal notebook. Ask for parent participation to ask child questions and write down child's responses (e.g., tell me about the sticker, what does it look like? what color is it? where would you see it?) Have the child add anything else he/she wants to add. Be sure to only write down what the child says. Have parent read sticker story aloud to their child at the end of the day. Continue to provide this opportunity to see the growth of language in the child's stories.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Have children bring in pictures of family and activities. Have them put together a book to tell a story about their family. Have child dictate what is happening in the pictures as someone writes it down. The dictation can also occur through audio recordings. Encourage the child to re-read or re-tell the story of their family.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Make a "Things I Like to Do" book with the child. 

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Have the child retell a story using props or flannel board materials.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Have the child create a story using their favorite stuffed animal or toy from home.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Make a book about a special event or a field trip.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Have the child bring something special from home to share with class. Ask the parent to help prepare 2-3 things the child can say about the item. Encourage questions and answers with friends in class.

Substrand: 1.0 Language Use and Conventions
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Commenting (using verbalizations, sign, or augmentative device) on pictures seen in a book

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Indicating next step in an activity or task

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Describing sequences in routines, stories or common events either verbally or by putting together topic related pictures

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Recalling events in a sequence (either verbally or pointing to pictures)

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Acting out a sequence in play or a familiar song or story

Substrand: 1.0 Language Use and Conventions
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a eyegaze board or choice binder for child to request desired items. Take pictures of favorite items or cut them out from catalogs

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To make a page fluffers/turners use items such as small sample ice cream spoons

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Develop adapted picture books for describing sequences and stories. List of books can be down loaded if you have BoardMaker

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create adapted books. Use Picture Communication Symbol (PCS) icons and props for the repetitive line in the story or to label the pictures of the book

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a multiple message VOCA/SGD to record a series of steps in a task. Prompt the child (if needed) to hit the switch when the next step is needed

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a storyboard using pictures attached with Velcro coupled with use of a Step-by-Step or other sequencer to recall stories. Use a visual schedule app for describing events and a visual schedule with single message voice over's to indicate the routine

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Provide props or related pictures attached with Velcro to a storyboard that allow children opportunities to express the recall of events

Substrand: 2.0 Vocabulary
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

When playing with a new fire engine in the block area: Imitate environmental sounds while children are playing, such as "Vrrrrrmm". Repeat new vocabulary often, use the new words in different ways while playing (e.g.,"The fire engine goes fast", "I like this large fire engine", "The fire engine is bright", "I am driving the fire engine", "Who wants to drive the fire engine?") Repeat what children are saying, adding on by one or two words. The child says "Car", you say "The red car" or "The car goes fast."

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Before reading a book with new vocabulary, bring out pictures or real objects to show children what the new word means. For example, before reading Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, make some oatmeal together and talk about the new word 'porridge'.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Provide wooden train tracks and various trains for the children to put together. Then ask questions that will promote discussion along with actions/play with trains (e.g., "Are you building a long or short track?", "How many train cars do we need?", "How many people can travel on the train?", "What happens when the train track is broken down?", "Can we fix it?", "Where will you go on the train?", "Who can go?", "What train is faster?") Once the teacher/therapist has provided modeling questions, allow the children to develop their own questions and conversations.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Facilitate conversation during a cooking project about how the ingredients look, taste and feel.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Talk about daily routines of classroom, home or other setting. Use similar words and vocabulary for each setting.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Play mystery bag game where there is a hidden item in a bag, the adult provides clues and the children have to guess what the item is. Show the potential items (that represent new vocabulary) to the children ahead of time. Once the children catch on to the game they could then try to describe items to the teacher and/or peers.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Consider using music, songs, and chants to teach new vocabulary. Either make up songs or use songs like 'Hokey Pokey' or Hap Palmer's 'Color Song' to emphasize new concepts.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Before cooking, display and discuss the list of the ingredients. Allow children to smell and touch all the items. If you have room, create a picture chart with all the new ingredients learned while cooking.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Use sensory activities to stimulate language development.  Make your own water table and engage with the child in discussions about new concepts and vocabulary. 

Substrand: 2.0 Vocabulary
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Pointing to pictures of familiar items or people

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Requesting to play with items in the environment (using words, pictures or a device)

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using or understanding words that are related to describing items (size, color, etc.)

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Increasing sentence length in communication (either verbally or through augmentative communication)

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using and/or identifying action words

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Answering basic "What" questions

Substrand: 2.0 Vocabulary
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a eyegaze board or choice binder for child to request desired items. Take pictures of favorite items or cut them out from catalogs

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use sign language or gestures to communicate

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Talking photo album, communication book/can are used to point to pictures of familiar items or people

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create/use adapted tools such as glove or mitt that works with velcro, sticky tack, or magnetic wands to assist in activities (like matching laminated pictures with corresponding items)

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Model the use of vocabulary about size, shape and color on a "core word" vocabulary board.  Have the child point to and match items of a different size, shape or color in order to play matchig games like Candyland or Bingo

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use photo or icon representation of action words coupled with an Eye Gaze Board, Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) /Speech Generated Device (SGD), communication book, or a ring of pictures to identify action in response to questions and in telling stories

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create and use adapted books for describing sequences and stories. These can be made and/or downloaded

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a simple picture sequence to assist child to complete a task

Substrand: 2.0 Vocabulary
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

During cleanup, have three separate bins for the animals, cars, and pretend food. Work together with the child to clean up all the 'cars' first, then the 'animals'. As you are putting them away, talk about the name and the category with the child. "This is a lion. He goes in the animal bin. Goodbye lion. Goodbye animals."

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set up your science area in the classroom into an insect den with pictures of insects, manipulative insects, books about different insects, an ant farm, and other insect related materials. Before free choice time review all the new materials with the large group using new term 'insects' showing the children examples with pictures and real objects. Have the children count each leg with you as you find different pictures of insects in books to make sure they have 6 legs and perhaps go on to count the antennas to make sure they have 2 antennas. Later during free choice reinforce concepts by staying in the area to engage children with the new materials using new words such as 'insect'. Place icons of an 'insect' and a talking picture frame saying new words in the area to address multiple means of communication.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Provide a dollhouse, small people, doll clothes and miniature food for a small group of children. Allow children to set up the dollhouse as they wish and move various props around as they want. Listen to their conversation and help to expand their vocabulary with questions such as: "Let's find all the furniture pieces-what do we need in the bedroom, bathroom?", "Let's go into the kitchen", "What will we need for breakfast?", "What people are home?", or "What clothes should we wear to go outside?" Allow for the play schemes and language conversation to occur.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

During small group time have children sort manipulatives into groups (e.g., shapes, small animals, insects). This could also be done with items brought back from a nature hike. Encourage the children to sort by attributes such as: smooth, shiny, rough.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Allow children to complete "jobs" at home or in the classroom where they sort silverware or laundry. Provide the name of each category for the child as they complete their job.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

When working on the concept of "things that go together" assemble a basket of materials that go together and have the child sort them. For example, items for cleaning, items in the bathroom or items from the kitchen.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Make playdough with children.  While playing with the dough encourage the use of new vocabulary, child-to-child conversation and adult child conversation about what the child is making.

Substrand: 2.0 Vocabulary
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Matching like items

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Sorting items into categories in play, or during cleanup

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Labeling categories in play or during activities

Substrand: 2.0 Vocabulary
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use photo or icon representation of categories or matching items, coupled with an Eye Gaze Board or Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) Speech Generated Device (SGD), communication board, or a ring of pictures to sort and match items in appropriate categories

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Label activity areas with single message VOCA/SGD. Within the areas label baskets of toys, games, books and puzzles. In order to provide clues to what goes into baskets or bins, glue on cardstock one of the items from the area such as a toy animal or puzzle piece

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Provide communication books with a category page (content page) on as the first page. Model for the child how to use the category page to get to the desired item within the communication book

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Develop/use adapted books, for describing sequences and stories. Ask the child simple questions related to the story that was read. Use pictures from the book to create a choice board for child to answer questions

Substrand: 2.0 Vocabulary
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

When building towers with unifex cubes, hold up your tower to the child's several times to compare the size of your buildings. Use words such as "my tower is shorter than your tower" or "let's make it bigger."   Encourage child to either point to the 'bigger'/'shorter'/ 'longer' tower, say the words after you model them (or say them on their own), or show you that he/she can build a 'taller' /'longer' tower too.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Go on an outdoor scavenger hunt to find things that are the 'same' and 'different'. Have two baskets, one for same and one for different, as your are finding flowers that are the 'same' put them in the 'same' basket repeating the word 'same' each time you place one. As you find other items, put them in the 'different' basket, again repeating the word. Have the child choose which item (rock, grass, leaf, etc.) to have as the 'same' item to collect.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set up a small activity with colored blocks, colored shapes and small animals. Encourage children to build structures with colored blocks and shapes. Have children place animals in various locations in relation to the blocks and shapes. Have them describe where the animal is placed using prepositions such as: on top of, behind, in front of, next to and under.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Put any variety of items on the floor near two overlapping hula-hoops or circular shapes. Have children sort what is the same and different with a Venn Diagram. Use descriptive words to describe how the items are sorted.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Sing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and talk about the concepts "up and down". Use a plastic spider on a string and ask the child to put it next to, beside, under and over things in the classroom.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Use favorite children songs/nursery rhymes to explore prepositional concepts such as Jack Be Nimble - have children practice jumping over a pretend candlestick. Other similar nursery rhymes  include: Ring Around the Rosey - around, Hickory Dickory Dock - up and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - above.

Substrand: 2.0 Vocabulary
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying 'same' and 'different' in a group of items

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Putting same items together or removing different items from a group

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Responding to prepositional directions in the context of the classroom

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using words to describe similarities and differences

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using prepositions in play or during activities

Substrand: 2.0 Vocabulary
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a communication choice board, sign language or gestures to communicate

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Assist a child to identify or choose "same and different" on a 2-choice communication app or by masking vocabulary on a core vocabulary system so only the two desired words appear

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use Aided Language Modeling on a communication board that includes directional prepositions to both see the use of the vocabulary and match concepts to the symbol; use actual classroom items to demonstrate concept.  Take pictures of an actual object located in different positions and make a personalized baggie book.  Adapt the idea for use in the play area where a child's favorite toy is placed in various positions.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use pre-made communication boards for specific activities

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Develop/use adapted books, for describing sequences and stories. Ask simple questions related to story read. Use pictures from the book to create a choice board for child

Substrand: 3.0 Grammar
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Play a Simon Says type game where you and the children switch off giving 'instructions' or being Simon with different items (e.g.,a teddy bear, box, hat or socks, or any other different items of interest to the children). Trade off telling the bear, or other item, to do silly things and play Simon Says "Simon Says sit on top of the box", "Simon says put the socks on your nose". Laugh with the child as the bear does all the silly things and you trade off giving the instructions.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

As children are going for outside time, give them each different instructions before going outside (e.g., "Put your books away in your cubby, jump over to Ms. Smith to take your nametag off, and walk outside please").

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Play an Eye Spy game where the child has to find an item based on a number of clues such as: "Eye Spy something with my little eye that is little, yellow and next to a door, can you find it?"

Substrand: 3.0 Grammar
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Following 2-3 step directions

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using longer more complex communication by adding attributes

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Combining two to three ideas together in communication

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Asking questions

Substrand: 3.0 Grammar
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use pre-made communication boards for specific activities or for sequencing directions

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Provide a communiucation app with a robust core word vocabulary system.  Provide aided language modeling thru daily routines either directly on the student's device or on a light tech vocabulary board.  Model slightly more than the student's current output level

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Props can be used by a child to indicate their turn, or used to ask a question by holding up a question icon. (e.g., a question mark on a wand or popsicle stick.) The teacher provides a series of prompted questions

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create and use who, what, when, where, and why messages on a sequenced or step by step VOCA to allow selection of questions in a random way

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a communication book with various question categories on the outside and specific questions according to category on the inside of the book (for use with a peer or partner)

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use pre-made communication boards, sign language or gestures to communicate

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Develop/use adapted books, remnant books or conversations starters to use for describing sequences and stories. Ask simple questions related to story read. Use pictures from the book to create a choice board for child to answer questions.

Substrand: 3.0 Grammar
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

During circle time, encourage children to raise their hands to verbally share something with the class. To promote use of oral language in exploration in a comfortable space, go over rules such as, "When someone is sharing, we always use listening ears and hold in our words."  For children who are shy or are working with different means of communication, set up picture communication.  Invite the child to use signs or voice output devices to share when it is their turn. model vocally by adding on to their thoughts or narrate for them with longer more complex grammatical rules.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

While having a tea party with dolls, invite children to give cake to 'her' and 'him' using male and female dolls as guests to the party.

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Plan to take the following items outside for children to role play going fishing: clothes –warm or cold, fishing poles, fishing line, bait, buckets, frying pans, water. Ask the children,  "What is needed to go on a fishing trip? Who will go? What clothes to wear? Where to fish? How many fish were caught? Who will cook?"

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Model appropriate grammar during child's play. Use correct tense and pronouns such as "Yes, he wore his big blue hat."

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Develop social stories about characters the children are interested in (e.g., Dinosaurs). Integrate elements in the story to emphasize correct grammar. For example "Dino dinosaur went to the park yesterday and he made many new friends."

Substrand: 3.0 Grammar
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying events and action that have happened in the past versus events that will happen in the future

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using tense appropriately in communication

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using or identifying pronouns and/or possessives ('my nose' vs. 'your nose', 'his' cubby, 'your' cubby)

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using plurals to describe more than one item during activities or in play

Substrand: 3.0 Grammar
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Teach students to build language skills on a Core Word Vocabulary Board and/or provide a communication app with a robust core word vocabulary system or a dedicated Speech Generating Device (SGD)

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To assist child with communication, use pre-made communication boards, sign language or gestures 

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports


To support the development of sentence-building or syntax skills, display varied parts of speech by color-coding. (e.g., Goossens System:  nouns-pink; verbs-green, connecting words-blue, etc.)


Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Play a concentration game of matching with one dog/ two dogs, etc. Use a sentence strip to say "This is a dog." "These are two dogs." Use low-tech communication board ideas and concepts, or a two choice VOCA /SGD to select singular or plural to complete a sentence

Domain 2
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Develop adapted books or social stories describing sequences and stories. Ask simple questions related to the story read. Use pictures from the book to create a choice board for child to answer questions

Strand: Reading

Substrand: 1.0 Concepts About Print
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Implement a silent reading period each day in which children choose books to look at during a quiet song. Model with children how to hold books, look at the pictures, and pretend to 'read' the words. For children who have difficulty turning pages, use strategies to add page turners and fluffers to make them easier to turn. Provide several different types of books to choose from; such as board books and books with thinner pages.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Read a favorite book on tape with children and model how and when to turn pages.  Then put a set of books at a listening center, or pretend child is the 'teacher' or 'mommy' and have child turn the pages with the book on tape.

Substrand: 1.0 Concepts About Print
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Looking at book appropriately (holding book upright, turning pages, etc.)

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Looking at book from beginning to end

Substrand: 1.0 Concepts About Print
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Develop/use adapted books and fluffers, book holders, book slant boards covered in Velcro or use Velcro strips attached to the back cover of the books for no slip positioning and access.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a highlighter to emphasize words or a black marker to underline key words or phrases in book

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Attach the hard strip of Velcro to the bottom of a book so that when a child plays on the carpet the book is stable and does not move around. Hard Velcro attaches itself very well to carpet.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

A variety of page-turners can be glued to the pages to make the turning of them easier (e.g., magnets with a magnet wand or paper clips and sponges, etc.)

Substrand: 1.0 Concepts About Print
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

When reading to the class each day use a pointer, yardstick, scary witch finger (during Halloween), or flashlight to highlight each word you are reading. Have children take turns being teacher to help hold the pointer as you are reading together. Later at free choice, or during free time, let the children engage with the pointers and books you have read together to see if they model pretending to read while pointing to the words.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Have child follow along in book when story is read aloud or on recorder.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

After drawing a picture, ask a child to narrate for you or show you with signs, picture communication or voice output device what they drew. Write down what they communicated to you in large print near their picture. As you continue to draw pictures make a book or journal and take time to review the words and stories they helped to write from previous days. Make a point to track the words as you read. Invite the child to 'read' the words or stories on their own as well.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

With a group of children ask them to identify who is at school today. Provide the group with name cards that have a picture of each child on it along with their first name. Hold up each name card and ask the group if the child is here. If the child is at school put the name card under a picture of school. If the child is not at school place their name card under the picture of home. Ask children what friends are at school today and what friends are at home today? Write out a list of names on an easel board for those at school and those at home.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set up matching words that accompany matching symbols such as: McDonalds-golden arches, stop sign-red hexagon shape, Target store-red circle with red dot in middle. Have children play a game with turns where each matches a word to a symbol.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Use large chart paper to write a group letter (e.g. to a peer who is out sick; a thank you to a volunteer; an invitation to a class event).

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Encourage children to contribute a page to make a class book about a special event or field trip.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Develop a book with pictures of common symbols that children would recognize in their community.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Go on a word hunt looking for words, you could even bring a magnifying glass or a flashlight and pretend to be a detective. "Look" or "Hunt" for words in the environment. Take a picture of them and make a book.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Use words all over the home and classroom environment: with a visual picture schedule, with recipes, class rules, labeling areas around the room, labeling items in the classroom, in the dramatic play area (traffic signs, menus) and with visual directions for tasks such as hand washing or brushing teeth.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Take a field trip or encourage parents and caregivers to take their child to the grocery store.  Look over a recipe, make a shopping list, look for print in the store, take pictures and make a book about going to the store and prepare food purchased at the store.  You can even make a dramatic play store area in the classroom or at home.

Substrand: 1.0 Concepts About Print
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying pictures in books versus words in books

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Recognizing name in print

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Recognizing words, or other's names in print

Substrand: 1.0 Concepts About Print
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a highlighter to emphasize words or a black marker to underline key words or phrases

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use tactile/remnant books with accompanying audio (provide voice out sequencer for child to activate)

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To support early literacy through Universal Design use highlighter tape that can be used and reused to underscore the repetitive lines in books

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Make a Communication Board  to ask and answer questions. Use pictures in a book or from a color copier, cut out the pictures, cover with contact paper, attach velcro on the back,  and attach the pictures to the choice board

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Take a picture of child and attach to printed name, laminate or use contact paper, use highlighter tape or Braille for children with visual challenges

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To label toy bins or shelves for toys, cut out pictures from toy magazines or ads, glue them on a card, then write label for the toy, laminate/enclose in contact paper and attach to bins or shelves

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To assist a child or children in telling and retelling the story and in answering questions, use the vocabulary of the book and create a picture board or print out larger related symbols with Velcro to accompany a book

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Label shelves, toys, cubbies, etc. with picture symbols and words

Substrand: 2.0 Phonological Awareness
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

When calling children's names to go wash hands, tell children you are going to try and 'trick' them by saying their name in a 'funny' way. When calling each child's name, say it with segmented syllables (e.g., Me-li-sa, Tom-my, etc).

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

On a drum, floor, or other accessible surface, give child musical instruments (e.g., drum sticks to tap out syllables of their name or the names of their favorite characters like Spiderman or Dora). 

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Present pictures of items to make compound words and then clap the words out.  Some examples are: foot and ball, paint and brush, sea and shell, hair and brush. Next clap the compound word (football, paintbrush, etc.) and ask children to put accompanying pictures together to form the word.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Sing a variety of rhyming chants at large and small group time (e.g., Willoughby Wallaby, Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar).  Have children fill in the rhyme.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Sing songs like 'Hickety Pickety Bumble Bee' with a bee puppet and clap out the child's name and/or sing 'BINGO' and have index cards with each letter taped to the edge of a table or cabinet. As you sing along you can flip the index card up as you start to omit singing letters and replace singing the letter with a clap. (Example of singing and clapping BINGO using a felt board)

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

To help children build sound awareness, develop your own listening games.

Substrand: 2.0 Phonological Awareness
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Clapping to syllables in names and words

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using vocalizations to separate or combine words to make another word (e.g., child holds up picture of 'cup' when class says 'cup and 'cake' when class says 'cake' then puts them together when class says 'cupcake')

Substrand: 2.0 Phonological Awareness
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Record a clapping sound on a Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) or tablet with communication app and switch to clap with rhythm of words.  Provide light physical support as needed to help students feel the rhythm of the syllables (borrow a vOVA or swithch from the AT Exchange)

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create songboards and rhyming boards, could provide visual supports for rhyming activities.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Present the target letter on a single card or VOCA.  Emphasize that sound by selecting the card or pressing the button many times throughout the day connecting the letter to words using the same letter

Substrand: 2.0 Phonological Awareness
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Place several pictures of barn animals in front of the child/children. Tell them that you are going on an animal hunt and you need to find certain animals. With each animal say the phonemes separately (c-o-w). When the child helps you find the cow pretend you are the farmer who puts the animals back inside the barn. For children at the beginning levels of phonemic awareness, make the animal sounds to children to help you find the animal to put in the barn and/or imitate the sounds.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

In large or small group, play a game with children's names by writing their names on a 3x5 card.  Cut off the first letter of a child's name and talk with the child about their name (e.g., "M-ack"). Ask questions like, "What would your name be without the "Mm?" Then say,  "It would be "ack!"  Sing Willoby Wolloby as a follow up to this activity with the whole class.

Substrand: 2.0 Phonological Awareness
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying beginning and ending sounds of words either verbally or through pictures of letters

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Participating in group phonological awareness activities involving letter sounds and sound deletions

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Finding matching picture to accompanying words when phonemes are segmented by a teacher (c-a-t …. Picture of a cat)

Substrand: 2.0 Phonological Awareness
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use simple VOCA/SGD such as Go Talk for letters matched with sounds. The teacher makes the sound with a visual prompt of the sound and the child uses the device to say the letter name that corresponds with the sound presented

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Choose a song or story with rhyming words and create a songboard or storyboard to increase phonological awareness

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use picture symbols (head pointer or Eye Gaze Board with partner assisted scanning strategies) to identify the word the teacher is saying

Substrand: 3.0 Alphabetics and Word/Print Recognition
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Each day, place names on the table for children to choose from as they enter school. Encourage parents and caregivers to let children attempt to find their names on their own as the children search for their name out of the group of names. Earlier in the year, make nametags unique in color or shape so that it is easier for the children to initially find their name on their own. Then as children get better at identifying their name, the nametags can begin to be more similar in color and shape and eventually incorporate the last names as well.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

During transitions use name cards to dismiss children, and during meal time, where the child needs to find his/her name to know where to sit.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Put the child's name on cards, place them around the room, and have her hunt for all the cards.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

At snack put everyone's name on a paper cup. You could also put the names of the child's favorite toys/stuffed animals on cups too, so that they can pretend to join a tea party or snack. For children not ready to match print to person or toy, put pictures on the cup along with the print for the child to match picture to person or object.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Show children how to use large popsicle sticks and pipe cleaners to make the letters in their name.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Dismiss children from group by holding up a sentence strip with their last name on it.  See if the child can recognize it, or call the name out while pointing to the name.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Have the child make the first letter of his name in the air and with sign language. Use your finger to make it on the palm of his hand and on his back.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Make a name puzzle by writing the child's name clearly on card stock and cutting each letter out in a rectangular formation. Allow the child to try and put their name back together.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Make the first letter of a child's name with play dough.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Using biscuit dough, have a child make the first letter of their name, bake it and eat it. Look for snacks that are in the shape of letters such as pretzels, cereal and pasta.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Make a beaded necklace or bracelet with beads that are shaped like letters. Have the child wear it and show it to others.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Play the Alphabet Walk Game. Put large letters on construction paper and laminate them. Lay the letters around in a large circle. Then play music and when it is on children walk from letter to letter until the music stops. The child then has to cheer for the letter they landed on such as "I got an A!"  Vary the walk by having them walk on tiptoes, like different animals, or backwards as they're able.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Create a "magic window."  Write each child's name on a piece of sentence strip. Fold a piece of construction paper so it provides a place to slide the child's name in and out of the secret window. Hide a child's name inside and show only the first letter. Ask "Who's name is this?", then show the second letter and see if the children can guess. When they learn their first name you can write the child's last name on the back and play magic window with the last name.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Sort magnetic letters with name cards on a cookie sheet 

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

In a small box, with a little salt or sand covering a sheet of sandpaper, have the child trace the first letter of their name.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Make an easy rain stick with the children and have them add plastic letters to the rice mixture.  Point out the letters and talk about their names.  Search for the letters in the child's name.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Fill a ziplock bag with some colored hair gel, zip the bag, staple the seam, and put duct tape over the seal.  Lay the bag on colored paper with the first letter of the child's name printed.  Have the child trace over the letter while talking about the shape of the letter and that the letter is the first one in his or her name.  Have the child's full printed name close by for reference.

Substrand: 3.0 Alphabetics and Word/Print Recognition
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Matching letters

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Matching name

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying name in the environment

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying names of others, common symbols, or words in the environment

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying first letter of name throughout  the classroom environment

Substrand: 3.0 Alphabetics and Word/Print Recognition
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a highlighter to emphasize words, letters/sounds or use a black marker to underline first letter of name or other common words

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a listening station with tape recorders using books that have been read aloud in class.  Adapt books with page turners-child follows along turning pages of the book while listening to the story

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use cookie sheet with magnetic letters for matching

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use book (e.g., Chica Chica Boom Boom or Dr. Suess's ABC) accompanied by a software program or tablet app related to alphabet and matching letters

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Take a picture of child, attach to printed name, laminate or place between contact paper-use for place mat, chair, cubby, good morning song and for attendance, etc.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create letter match games, match letters to letters and/or letters to pictures taken from around the room showing favorite objects

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Encourage child to identify name through use of name on a symbol card in a communication book

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Post names coupled with pictures of the children from the class on a board to encourage name recognition. Could create a smaller version for a communication board for individual child

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Ask the child to locate the letter named on an Eye Gaze Board

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Make tactile alphabetics cards. Make letters out of puffy paint, sand paper, dried glue, silky ribbon or yarn on cardstock. Encourage the child to trace letters with a finger

Substrand: 3.0 Alphabetics and Word/Print Recognition
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

During breakfast, choose a letter of the day for children to 'find' on their milk or cereal packaging. Each time they find a match, reinforce the name of the letter with the child "you found the M!"

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Cut out labels of favorite toys/TV programs/ restaurants/ stores and put them in a book, or invite parents to bring in labels of child's favorite items/places to put in a class books. Invite the children to 'guess' what the label says, then go on to name and/or the letters you see or find the special/first letter.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Read a favorite story and identify the words that begin with the first letter of each child's name. "The word 'kite' begins with K just like Kyle's name begins with K. Let's find the letter K and point to it."

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Use an "I Spy" game to identify objects in the classroom or outdoor environment.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Read a morning message chart at group time and ask children to be 'detectives' to find how many times a certain letter appears in the message.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Print out letters in different fonts and have children find the letters, cut them out, and paste them on construction paper in order to write out their names.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Sort items that have letters on them like wooden blocks, scrabble tiles and puzzle pieces. Start with matching 3-4 different letters.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Make cards with letters in different fonts. Have child sort letters into piles.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

In small groups, read and discuss alphabet books such as "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" and "Alphabet Helpers."

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

In the classroom display an alphabet chart at the children's level. During large or small group time, sing the ABC song and allow a child to point to each letter with a special wand or pointer.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Bulletin board borders offer the whole alphabet in one strip. Put one of these in your writing area, the book area, in bathroom stalls and at the circle time area. You can even cut these up to make matching games or send one home for the family to post and discuss.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Write letters on legos and with a visual model of their name, ask the child to put the legos together to make their name (working on fine motor development, letter recognition and name recognition)

Substrand: 3.0 Alphabetics and Word/Print Recognition
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Matching letters in the classroom environment

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Labeling or finding letters in the classroom environment

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Matching upper to lower case letters

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying upper and lowercase letters verbally or non-verbally

Substrand: 3.0 Alphabetics and Word/Print Recognition
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use magnetic letters to match labels in the environment

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a highlighter to emphasize words/letters/sounds or use a black marker to underline key words or phrases

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use Communication Symbols, VOCA, or Communication apps such as a GotalkNow with pictures of letters and familiar routines

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Using a Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) /Speech Generated Device (SGD) (e.g., Go Talk, Cheap Talk, Activity Pad, Super Talker) the teacher presents letter symbols and the child identifies those letter names on the device

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Make large letters as signs for various centers or learning spaces within the classroom

Substrand: 3.0 Alphabetics and Word/Print Recognition
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

At breakfast, while looking at the child's placemats or table tent names, play a sound game "I'm thinking of a person at this table whose name sounds like "Mmmmm" (children can either point to friends, indicate in a picture or say the friends' name). Have children try to repeat the names by exaggerating the beginning sound and pointing it out on their name tag.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

During snack time, lead a word game for children to think of a food that starts with the same sound as their first name. For example, "What food does M-m-m-miles like to eat? I think he likes to eat M-m-m-m-angoes!" Encourage children to continue the brainstorm for a food item that begins with the same initial sound as each peer at the table. Extend the game to include the names of teachers, school staff, family members, siblings.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Have children bring an item from home for 'show and tell' or 'share day' that begins with a particular letter of focus for the day/week. Give children a brown paper lunch bag to take home and put in their share item. Ask their family member to help the child write a 'clue' on a slip of paper to help their peers guess the item they brought. Teacher and child can read the clue together at sharing time, and teacher can facilitate peers guessing what the child brought. (e.g., A child might bring a flower if the group is studying the letter 'Ff'.  A clue he or she might write with a family member could be, "Something that grows in the garden and smells beautiful."

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Alliteration activities. Use tongue twisters and songs to emphasize specific letter awareness such as "Peter Piper" and "Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack."

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Collect small items that all start with the same sound such as train, turtle, tomato or baby, bear, bat; have children sort into groups by their first letter sounds.

Substrand: 3.0 Alphabetics and Word/Print Recognition
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying letter sounds by either matching them or verbally naming or sounding them out

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Indicating yes or no, or through other gesture, whether a sound matches with the letter

Substrand: 3.0 Alphabetics and Word/Print Recognition
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use magnetic letters on a cookie tray for a matching activity

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a highlighter to emphasize words, letters/sounds or use black marker to underline key words or phrases

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To participate in conversations with preprogrammed appropriate responses have child use VOCA/communication app, Yes/No symbols, communication board/book/can or other communication system.  Use partner assisted scanning strategies when possible 

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To encourage recognition of letter sounds, use nursery rhymes that include a great deal of alliteration

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 3.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To encourage the connection between letters and thier sounds. Find magazine pictures, say the name of the item outloud, match the sounds of the letter at the beginning of words with the corresponding letter card, magnet letter or preprogrammed multi-message VOCA (e.g., Go Talk, Cheap Talk, Activity Pad, Super Talker) (activity e.g., picture of bike - B)

Substrand: 4.0 Comprehension and Analysis of Age Appropriate Text
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Read a favorite story with children a few days in a row, and then invite the children to talk about what happens next.  Go through the pages naming the people/characters in the story, and then have children 'read'/retell the story to you.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Read "Three Billy Goats Gruff" in large group.  Place props such as puppets (handmade or plush), miniature toy goats/trolls, and materials that act as a bridge (such as blocks or a ramp) in the block area.  Encourage children to take turns acting out parts of the story. For children who might need a little help, you can say the 'words' while the child acts out the actions.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Read the story "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" to the children. Show children various picture cut outs that depict parts of the story. Ask them to put the pictures in proper sequence to tell the story. Help children with putting the sequence together by asking, "What happens when she sits down at the table?", "What happens when she is hungry?", and "What happens when she is tired?"  Also act out the story with children playing the different roles.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Before reading a book, take a 'picture walk' and encourage children to predict what will happen.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Share the rhyme, "Humpty Dumpty."  Talk about what happened first, then next and last. Have the children reenact the rhyme with a boiled egg balancing on the back of their hand. Peel the egg for fine motor development.

Substrand: 4.0 Comprehension and Analysis of Age Appropriate Text
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Answering who, what, where and (later) why questions verbally or through pictures

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Acting out or role-playing events in a story that was read in class

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Retelling a story or parts of a story through verbalizations, drawings or putting pictures in a sequence

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Making predictions about what might happen in a story or why something happened in a story or picture

Substrand: 4.0 Comprehension and Analysis of Age Appropriate Text
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a communication board with aided language modeling strategies to model language and provide opportunities for child to ask or respond to questions from story

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use props for the activities such as finger puppets, pictures on popsicle sticks, masks, magic wands, crowns and other items. Could use elastic bands with Velcro to attach props

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Provide choices of roles and next steps using multiple message Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) or communication app such as GotalkNow

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Develop/use adapted books for describing sequences, use pictures to answer questions about stories read. Ask simple questions related to story being read. Use pictures from books to create a choice board for child to answer questions

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a multiple-message Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA)  programmed with story sequence to respond to questions about what happens next. Communication strips with pictures of main charachters or events in a familiar story can be used to encourage recall of what happened next

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Take pictures of various activities and routines during the day and create classroom books for children to use

Substrand: 4.0 Comprehension and Analysis of Age Appropriate Text
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

During small group read a book about the post office with children as a part of community helper theme. In the dramatic play area place related props such as envelopes, letters, pretend stamps, large boxes, mail uniforms, mailbag and mailboxes.  Invite children to create their own mailboxes. After reading the book, show children items/props in the dramatic play area that correspond to things in the book about the post office. Invite the children to pretend they are a mail carrier and deliver mail just like in the book.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

After reading a book about flowers and seeds (such as The Carrot Seed, Planting a Rainbow, Flower Garden) go outside with the books and gardening tools to plant seeds in the garden. Invite the children to talk about flowers, plants, or gardens in their home.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Read a story about animals that live in the swamp. After reading the story put out paper and watercolors. Ask children to paint things they remember in the story. Ask probing questions such as, "What colors did you see?", "What animals were there?", "Was it cold or hot?", "What did the animals eat?", "How did they play?" Display watercolor paintings on the wall in the science area.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Make mailboxes with children's pictures and names on them. Have children design postage stamps with a focus on a letter or have them write the amount of postage on the stamp and have them compare stamps. Mail a note to other classmates.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Use nonfiction information books to tap into the children's interests. Use books about trains, animals or trucks to compare and contrast features, and use descriptive words to describe each one.

Substrand: 4.0 Comprehension and Analysis of Age Appropriate Text
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Pointing to picture icons or objects relating to story being read

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Playing or acting out events or scenes in a story

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Recalling information told in a story, either verbally or by performing action in manner described in the story

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Recalling/Relating events in own life that relate to events in a story or picture

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Verbally, or through pictures, describes sequences of events discussed in a book previously read

Substrand: 4.0 Comprehension and Analysis of Age Appropriate Text
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Develop/use adapted books, for describing sequences and to answer questions regarding stories read aloud

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a Communication board with story vocabulary for each child including sticky back foam, laminated props to participate in the story telling activity

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a single message VOCA/SGD of the repetitive line in a story

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To retell a story, use a communication board, talking photo album, or a slant board with Velcro and props

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a  talking photo frame or communication book about a child's day to relate to informational text shared within the classroom throughout the day

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create simple activity sequence board to support activity (e.g., baking cookies, etc. using icons)

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use talking photo album to review the sequence of events that occurred in the book

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create your own or find memory match games on the computer such as Starfall. Use an adapted switch or mouse for choices if needed.  Borrow a switch and switch interface from the AT Exchange

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Develop or use adapted books for describing sequences and answering questions regarding stories read aloud

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Ask simple questions related to informational text shared within classroom throughout the day. Use pictures from books or other text to create a choice board for child to answer questions

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 4.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create icons to depict the main ideas of the book, give child choices for sequencing the events in the story

Substrand: 5.0 Literacy Interest and Response
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Invite children to bring in their favorite book from home to read in class on their own during 'silent reading' opportunities or as a large group during circle time. Ask parents if they can leave the book in the classroom to display for the week so that the child and his peers can access it during the day and share with others.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Ask parents about specific child interests (trains, Dora, sharks, etc.).  Find books either in the class library or school/community library to highlight for the week or as long as the interest lasts.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Create a book bag that has a book and activity to go along with it.  Have each child take a turn in taking home the book bag.  Instruct the parent to read and complete the activity with their child. When the child brings back the book bag he/she has a chance to talk about the book and activity or share something he/she made from this activity.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Take pictures of children for them to make a book about themselves or their interests. Laminate it or put it in a photo book.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Have books on tape and headphones availablein the classroom, and show children how to use them independently.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Incorporate different kinds of books into the classroom such as flannel board books, plastic books that can get wet, books of poems or books based on songs.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Invite special guests to the classroom to read to the children weekly. Include grandparents, bus drivers, Santa Claus, etc.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Make class books about class pets, special events and field trips.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Read the book, "Going on a Bear Hunt".  Give the children instruments that correspond with grass, water, climbing a tree, drumming, etc.  Reenact the story with this Greg and Steve video.

Substrand: 5.0 Literacy Interest and Response
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Independently accessing or looking at books or print mediums in a variety of centers

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Attending to, and participating in, teacher's group reading time

Substrand: 5.0 Literacy Interest and Response
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create/use an adapted book with symbols for describing sequences and answering questions regarding stories read aloud

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Make available an assortment of communication boards in different centers with prop baskets. Use a multiple message Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) or a communication app such as GotalkNow for the story

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Model how to comment on the story with a core word vocabulary board using aided language modeling strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Record the repetitive line of the story on a VOCA/SGD for a child to press when it is his/her turn to respond

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use battery-operated toys with switches that correspond to the story such as a dog for a Clifford story or a pig for a farm story

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a highlighter to emphasize words, letters/sounds or use black marker to underline key words or phrases

Substrand: 5.0 Literacy Interest and Response
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Everyday start  group reading time routine with a song or simple activity. Create an area at circle time where the book from the group reading time is displayed for the day so that children can browse the book.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Find books relating to different classroom themes either on a classroom library shelf or at the community library. For example for a 'pets' theme put some fiction books about different pets in the library (e.g., Clifford), books about veterinarians in the house area, nonfiction books about pets or animals in the science area, and  self-made books of pets with labels in the writing area.  Encourage children to practice writing/copy words of their favorite pet, etc.

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Establish predictable routines to encourage children to learn to anticipate events.  Include the child in the process of reading and writing lists, directions, recipes, menus, messages or letters to friends and family, and any other activities that occur within routine activities.

Substrand: 5.0 Literacy Interest and Response
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Attending to and participating in group reading time

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Answering questions related to a story either verbally or through pictures

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Telling a teacher a 'story' about what they drew or wrote either verbally or by pointing to other pictures

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Participating in class literacy routines including journal, or 'silent reading'

Substrand: 5.0 Literacy Interest and Response
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use Nursery Rhymes with icons ready to print (must have Boardmaker software to download)

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Access online animated stories and activities activated by mouse (need computer and mouse—or touch screen, available in English/ Spanish)

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use or create communication boards including vocabulary specific to the story

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Offer hand held story props for each child or attach Velcro to printed out pictures from story and use with a communication board

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Record the repetitive line of the story on a VOCA/SGD for a child to press when it is his/her turn to respond

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use related props in combination with multiple message VOCA/SGD to respond to story questions

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Put symbols/icons on a story or on each page within a book to help child follow the sentence

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a highlighter to emphasize words, letters/sounds or use black marker to underline key words or phrases

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create an adapted song activity

Domain 2
Strand: Reading
Substrand: 5.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To assist a child or children in telling and retelling the story and in answering questions, use the vocabulary of the book and create a picture board or print out larger related symbols with Velcro to accompany a book

Strand: Writing

Substrand: 1.0 Writing Strategies
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Dedicate a period of time during the day for children to experiment with handling and use of different writing instruments. Have a journal time- some days use crayons, some days use pens, some days different pencils (with curler foam on them to build them up for better grasping), or use chalk, etc. Encourange writing at home when siblings are doing 'homework' or parent is writing grocery lists/letters/bills. At times when you are writing, give the child a writing tool and ask them to write with you.

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

For practice using fingers and grasp along with developing the strength and dexterity involved in beginning writing, use mini child tweezers, eyedroppers, or tongs to fish for items or during meals to get snack crackers or serve self.

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

In order to strengthen hand muscles, provide the following items to children to encourage greater dexterity of their hands. Play dough can be used for children to grasp, pat, squish and squeeze. Tear paper of various textures. Use a hand squeeze water bottle to squeeze colored water on the sidewalk or fence.  Provide smaller pieces of chalk and crayon to encourage small finger muscle development.

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Create a literacy learning station and fil it with adaptive writing tools that will excite the children.

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Provide large and small paintbrushes for children to paint at an easel and at a table (vertical and horizontal presentation). Provide thick and thin colored pencils, provide adaptations as needed for children to hold writing/art tool.

Substrand: 1.0 Writing Strategies
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using increasingly complex grasp while writing/drawing/painting (palmer, finger, tripod)

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using a helper hand to stabilize paper or board when coloring, writing or painting

Substrand: 1.0 Writing Strategies
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Consider adapting writing tool ideas

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Offer a variety of materials to adapt writing tools such as sponge curlers, styrofoam ball, drawer knobs, sponge sheets, pipe cleaner wrapped around implement, pencil grip, baseball cap pointer (e.g., EZ AT 2 - Pacer Center). Encourage the use of these tools as an adapted stylus for onscreen writing and for selecting keys on a keyboard

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Provide stabilizers for paper such as a tray with flat shelf liner material or use painters tape to attach paper to a slant board or table

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Define writing space using a tray with a raised lip or edge

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use an empty egg carton for picking up and sorting small objects to encourage using finger thumb (pincer) grasp

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Consider adaptation, seating, positioning needs  and various adapted supports of child for a variety of play activities to support fine motor skill development

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Elevate the surface the child is writing on by making an easel from a binder. Tape the paper on the binder so it does not move using painter's tape

Substrand: 1.0 Writing Strategies
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Draw pictures together of the child's favorite things. If a child loves cats, an adult may draw the head and the ears, the child draws 'eyes' and 'nose' and the adult finishes with the whiskers.

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

In the writing area, create a class book of child names and pictures and show children how they can practice writing the names of their classmates along with their own name.

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Make buckets of water and various sizes of paint brushes available out in the play yard for children to make 'disappearing' letters, words or drawings.

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Make clipboards, pencils, and graph paper available in the science area for children to record their observations as plants grow or other scientific observations.

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Have the child/adult make a number of dots on a page and then the child can connect them to make a picture. The adult can also draw dots in the shape of letters and have the child complete the lines to draw the letters. (dot-to-dot).

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Practice writing letters with fingers in shaving cream, finger-paint, sand, salt, cormeal and/or other sensory mediums.

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Add texture or fragrance to paint to heighten the sensory experience (e.g., sand, glitter, mint extract).

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Empty a bottle of hair gel into 1-2 zip lock bags to create a squishy book. Lay bag on colored paper and allow child to make letters with finger. Add glitter to the hair gel to make it visually stimulating.

Substrand: 1.0 Writing Strategies
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Copying or tracing vertical lines, horizontal lines or circles

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Drawing pictures that represent things, people or ideas

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Tracing letters in name

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Attempting to reproduce letters in child's name that resemble letters

Substrand: 1.0 Writing Strategies
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a pencil grip using various tapes (electrical, duct tape, packaging tape, etc.) or other materials

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use adapted handwriting tools to promote beginning writing and success from scribbles to symbols

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use smaller writing utensils (e.g., small chalk, golf pencils, adaptive pencil grips, etc.) to encourage a tripod pencil grasp

Substrand: 1.0 Writing Strategies
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

After completing artwork each day encourage children to write their 'name' on their paper. It may be a scribble now, or letters, or a series of circles or lines, but it is still their 'name'. Give them positive and descriptive acknowledgement when they are done e.g., "You wrote your name!"

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set up a 'sign-out' routine so children can practice writing their name each day or session. Some children may start with tracing their names, some children can copy their names into boxes to help with spacing and others will be ready to write their name on their own without a model. Additionally, children may 'sign-up' for special cooking projects, computer time or easel time for additional opportunities for 'name-writing'.

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Have children write with their finger in sand, salt, glitter, or layers of all of the above. Layer gold glitter on the bottom of a tray and then put a layer of sand or salt; the child can then write their name with their finger to find the gold letters. Children increase fine motor skills in learning to control the depth and pressure.

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

When the children arrive at preschool have them sign in next to their picture. Rotate different writing instruments.

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Substrand: 1.0 Writing Strategies
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Tracing letters in name

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Matching letters in name

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Putting letters of name in sequence

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Attempting to reproduce letters in child's name that resemble letters

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Copying letters in name legibly in correct sequence

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Writing name without a model

Substrand: 1.0 Writing Strategies
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use adapted writing implements along with templates for child's name. An alternative mode might be a computer program that allows for drawing and writing

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use sandpaper models, highlighters, glue gun and foam guides for tracing lines/letters/child's name

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Provide stabilizers for paper such as a tray with non-skid shelf liner material under it, or painter's tape that is taped to the paper and a slant board or table

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Define writing space using a tray with a lip

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use tape to hold down the paper a child is writing on so it does not move while child is writing

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use handwriting apps on an iPad or tablet for practicing child's name.

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a variety of materials to adapt writing tools such as sponge curlers, sponge sheets, pipe cleaner or various tapes (electrical, duct tape, packaging tape etc.) wrapped around instrument.  Encourage the use of these tools as an adapted stylus for keyboard and onscreen writing

Domain 2
Strand: Writing
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use magnetic letters to write child's name

DOMAIN #3 - Mathematics

Strand: Number Sense

Substrand: 1.0
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.1 recite numbers) When transitioning from outdoors back into the classroom, play a stop-go counting game where you count 1-10 steps with the children. Then ‘stop’, then you ‘go’ again, counting 1-10 until you reach the classroom.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.1 recite numbers) Invite children or a special helper each day to count attendance on the board of those children who are there that day in school.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.1 recite numbers) During large group time, when excusing children from the group, sing the 'Bubble Gum' song: “Bubble gum, bubble gum in a dish” (repeat two times) “How many pieces do you wish?” The child says how many pieces of bubble gum he/she wants and then jumps and counts that number out. A child could also count and shake their head side to side/ tap/clap to the number of bubble gum pieces he/she wanted.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.2 numerals) After counting the number of children in the class that day, write the numeral on the whiteboard. During circle time, invite children to find that numeral on a number line. If a child uses a communication book add a number line to their book. Throughout the day, encourage children to point out a variety of numbers in print within the classroom.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.2 numerals) Use a pretend cash register to pretend to buy items. Use stickers to create price tags on pretend food or empty boxes, as you are ‘shopping’ have children tell you how much items cost by naming the number on the price tag or finding the number on the cash register. For one-to-one correspondence practice, have the child count out the amount of dollars or coins to put in the register.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.2 numerals) Encourage parents of children in your class to assist their children in identifying page numbers in books while reading together as they go through each page.  Encourage going to the library and reading books such as, "Ten, Nine, Eight" by Molly Bang.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.2 numerals) Put magnetic numerals in a water table and provide ‘fishing poles’ with magnets on the end of the line for children to ‘fish’ for numbers.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.2 numerals) Make or use simple ‘spinners’ with numerals on them for simple board games with children.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.2 numerals) Number snakes - Write numbers 0-5 on 8x11 pieces of construction paper. Laminate each one. Encourage children to make snakes out of play dough to lay on top of the laminated sheets. While children are making snakes discuss the short/long lines and small and large curves in the numbers. If small manipulatives are available have children put that number of items in the dough snake (e.g., buttons, pennies).

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.2 numerals) Make large "living numbers" having children use their bodies (arms, legs) to form the numbers either laying on carpet or alternate locations depending on movements children can make. Take a picture and make a class book.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.2 numerals) Trace the children’s feet on different colors of card stock. Cut out the feet and write numbers with the corresponding number of circle sticker dots. Lay the feet in numerical order on the ground on the way out the classroom door and attach with packing tape. When children are waiting to go outside talk with them about what number they are standing on. You could also do this with shapes or larger animal foot prints.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.2 numerals) Number hunt. Have children go hunting for numbers in their environment, look at clocks, computer screens, books and food boxes.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.3 subitize) Create a snack time game in which a child gets to roll a large dice with 1-4 large dots or goldfish cracker picture on it. After each time they roll the die, he/she tells you how many fish or cheerios or grapes, etc. he gets based on the number of dots he landed on. You can make extra large dice and use in a variety of activities.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.3 subitize) Play five little monkeys jumping on the bed with felt pieces or stuffed monkeys, sing the song together. Invite  the children to tell you how many monkeys they see on the bed as you take each one away. Other similar number songs include Five Green and Speckled Frogs, Four Little Ducks, Five Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate, 5 Little Monkeys Swinging in a Tree.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.3 subitize) Read the Very Grouchy Ladybug and ask the children to shout out how many ladybugs are on the flannel board. Use small numbers: 1-4. Vary the amount of ladybugs placed on the flannel board to have them shout out the number.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.3 subitize) Bears in a Cave - Using 5 teddy bear counters and an upside down bowl have children count the five bears then close their eyes as some bears go in the cave. See if they can guess how many bears are in the cave. You can make up variations to this game such as turtles in a pond, horses in a barn.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.3 subitize) Line up three items and have the children count them. Cover them with a cloth and ask the children how many there were. As the children get better at this game start with the items covered, then show the items for a few seconds and then cover them back up. See if children can guess how many are hidden.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.4 one to one correspondence) Go on a rock collecting adventure outside in a small group and see how many you can find. Each time you find one, take the opportunity to count them out together. You can either count together, the child can count them on his/her own, or perhaps the child touches each one as you say the numbers.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.4 one to one correspondence) Fill up plastic eggs with tiny manipulatives such as plastic animals or dinosaurs. Hide the eggs around the classroom/outside or in a bin of birdseed. Have the children find the eggs and then count to see how many items are inside each egg. You can either count together, the child can count them on their own, or perhaps the child touches each one as you say the numbers.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.4 one to one correspondence) Number necklaces - Given a large choice of beads in a variety of colors, have each child choose a specific “magic number” (up to 5). Have the child select thier "magic number" of beads from each of the colored beads available, (example - magic number is 3, child would choose 3 green beads, 3 red beads and so on have child string them into a necklace encouraging child to make a pattern or design. When the necklace is finished see if other children can guess their “magic number.”

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.4 one to one correspondence) Number toss - Write the numbers 1-5 on boxes. From a good distance have the children toss in that number of bean bags into each box. When finished, make sure the box has that specific number of bean bags in it. You could also play this game with balled up socks or crumpled up newspaper and pretend they are snowballs.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.4 one to one correspondence) Beat it! In a small group ask children listen carefully to the number of beats on the drum. You could have number cards available for reference. Use other instruments such as triangle, rhythm sticks or a tambourine. When children are ready, have them make a number of beats and ask peers to guess the number of beats.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.4 one to one correspondence) Sing fingerplay songs  (e.g., Five Little Monkeys, Where is Thumbkin).

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.4 one to one correspondence) As a learning activity, suggest to parents to have their child "help" with houshold tasks to encourage estimating 'how many' (e.g. laundry items, pairs of socks) or counting items as they go. Some tasks could include putting away the laundry, matching socks, setting the table and matching/putting away shoes in the closet.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.5 how many?) When coloring together, talk about how many crayons you have and encourage those around you to see how many crayons they have, helping them count number of crayons out if necessary. Conclude with ‘you have 6 six crayons,’ etc.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.5 how many?) During lunch, tell children how many chicken nuggets or food items to take (e.g., 'everyone take 4 chicken nuggets') Watch as each child takes their amount, wait to see if they can take the correct amount, help them count out if needed (‘1, 2, 3, 4 stop’).

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Attach small round dot stickers to 5 small cars.  Write a number (1-5) on each dot that corresponds with a number in a "parking garage" made in a small box.  Have the children match the numbers to find each car's special parking spot inside the garage.  While playing with the cars have the child identify the numbers on the cars, count them, work on 1-1 correspondence, and cardinality (saying the last number counted when asked "How many?").

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Watch Sesame Street segments with a focus on counting.  Encourage the children to count along and predict with "the Count."

Substrand: 1.0
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Rote counting 1-10, then counting up to 20

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Matching quantities with written numerals

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying written numerals in everyday contexts

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using 1:1 correspondence to perform everyday tasks (e.g., as passing out 1 milk per 1 child and/or setting a table)

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Matching groups of objects

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using 1:1 correspondence to count out objects one-by-one, first up to 5, then up to 10

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Responding appropriately to ‘how many’ questions, using manipulatives

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying the total number of manipulatives (2-5) without individually counting each one (subitize)

Substrand: 1.0
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Make a matching game with high interest pictures (or realia) of groups of toys representing different numbers, have child match correct numeral to the corresponding picture

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use computer software/tablet applications with adapted switches, adapted mouse, or joystick for counting items and matching them to numerals (Try borrowing free switches and computer access equipment at the AT Exchange

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

During opening circle have child count the number of children using number cards or Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) /Speech Generated Device (SGD) (e.g., Go Talk, Cheap Talk, Activity Pad, Super Talker) programmed with numbers

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Emphasize numbers with highlighters, black marker or create tactile numeral cards using puffy paint/sand/glue to emphasize the numbers.  Encourage children to write numbers on sensory squishy bags

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Utilize onscreen, engaging math applications that give virtual manipulative experiencers to students with limited motor skills

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use adapted mouse or joystick (borrow from AT Exchange: type adapted mouse or joystick) to access math onscreen learning games (see Starfall's Teacher Guide PLF alignment)

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use divided tray or egg carton with numerals written in each divided section. Using manipulatives, have child match the number of objects to the numerals in the divided tray

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

In a small group activity write numbers on 2” laminated squares, give choice of 1-2 number squares to each child. Offer manipulatives, have children clap, or activate switch with sounds to identify ‘how many’, based on their number squares

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Give child a paper with a large number printed on it. The child can use various manipulatives to place on the number for counting 5-10 objects (e.g., dots, stickers, fingerpaint, clothes pins, blocks, beads, pegs)

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

For number identification and matching use number pages templates

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create number Baggie Books. Write a number with permanent marker on each baggie. Provide manipulatives for children to sort through and select the matching number of items to put in their bags

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Substrand: 2.0
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.1 compare) Encourage children to build towers together, invite them to compare towers and to count the number of blocks in their tower “My tower has two blocks” etc. Build a taller tower together compare sizes (e.g., taller, shorter, higher, lower, wider, etc.)

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.1 compare) Using attendance bears or other place cards of various colors, make a daily routine of counting to see which color has ‘more’, the ‘same’, or ‘less’. Invite children to indicate the color that has the most, same or least (through pointing, sign language or communication book). 

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.1 compare) Put out buttons of different colors and several containers. Have children sort buttons by color and then count them. Which groups have the “same,” which have “more,” which have “less?” Have one child be the recorder of the information, what color groups have the same number, what color has more, what color has less.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.1 compare) Stand up! - During large group time lay a piece of yarn across the circle time carpet, have 2 children stand on one side and 2 on the other. Ask the children how many kids are standing. If you move one child to the other side ask them how many there are now. Play around with different number combinations.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.1 compare) Lay out 6 pennies in a line on a piece of paper. Have the child count how many there are. Regroup the pennies into 2 piles and ask how many there are. Continue regrouping the pennies. Play this game with buttons, poker chips or other materials.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.2 adding and taking away) While playing with play dough, create birthday cakes out of the dough. Use real or pretend candles(e.g., sticks or pen caps) to put on their cakes. Give each child a few candles while they are making cakes. As you are making your own cake, add more candles stating, “Now I have 2 more”. See if the children also want more. Invite the children to count the number they have, see if they can determine the ‘new‘ amount on their cakes when given one more. Continue to talk about the different amounts of candles you are taking on/off your cake. Model counting and comparing, adding and taking away, etc.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.2 adding and taking away) Read the book “Caps for Sale”. As a follow up activity, provide children with hats of different sizes (small, medium, large). Each group of hats should have no more than three. Describe what happens when we add one small hat to the group of big hats, what happens if we take away a medium hat away from the group of medium hats. Ask children to participate with actual movement of hats being added or taken away.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.2 adding and taking away) Headband activity - Cut long strips of constuction paper that fit around a child’s head. Have the child select a small group of two different kinds of stickers (e.g., 2 dogs, 4 rabbits). After the child puts their stickers on the headband, have them count each group as you write the equation (e.g., 2+4= 6)

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.2 adding and taking away) Friendship bracelet - This is a partner activity. Have each child put their hand in a bag and take out a small handful of beads. Have each child count their beads by color then string them onto a pipe cleaner to make a bracelet. Repeat so each child receives a friendship bracelet. On a piece of paper or large posterboard, write the equation of each childs bracelet using the number of beads in each color (e.g., Sarah: 4 red+5 blue = 9 beads).

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.3 combining two groups) When counting in class, show children various ways of making different number amounts with their fingers. For example you can make 4 by using 4 fingers on one hand, 2 fingers from one hand and 2 from another, or 1 from one hand and 3 from another.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.3 combining two groups) During a small group activity give 4 children each a different color of counting animals (yellow, blue, red, green, etc). Allow the children to play with their animals in milk carton barns while counting or sorting. Invite children to put all the animals together discussing how the pile is growing bigger and bigger as each person adds their animals.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.3 combining two groups) Bears in a Cave - Using 5 teddy bear counters and an upside down bowl have children count the five bears then close their eyes as some bears go in the cave. See if they can guess how many bears are in the cave. You can make up variations to this game such as turtles in a pond, horses in a barn.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.4 simple addition/subtraction) In a small group give children counting bears and various sized bowls. As children are putting bears in and out of their bowls, put one or two into your bowl and tell the children “Oh no, I need more bears”, encourage children to add more bears to your bowl to fill it up. Use words to match child actions, “you are giving me more, thank you”. When the bowl is full, tell the children that you are now taking some out of your bowl, use words that describe how many you have left. Later, begin to use number names as you add/take away bears from your bowls together “I am adding two more, now I have four…(then count) 1, 2, 3, 4”.

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.4 simple addition/subtraction) If/when children come in late to circle time, add their attendance bears to the wall and use the moment to ‘add’ their bears to the total count for the day. “We used to have 12 children, now we have two more today”. Show children on the number line how to ‘add’ two more, ask them what the ‘new’ number is (e.g.,14).

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.4 simple addition/subtraction) Play ‘nail shop’ as a small group activity, have children paint nails with school or nontoxic paint. As each child paints a nail, count how many nails are ‘left to paint.’

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.4 simple addition/subtraction) Read the story The Hungry Caterpillar to the children and ask them to put the Velcro or flannel pieces of food on the flannel board as they are named. Have children count number of food items caterpillar eats (adding and subtracting up to 10 items).

Substrand: 2.0
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Requesting more during activities such as lunch, snack, or in play

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying which group has more when there is a large difference or a slight difference

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Solving simple addition and subtraction problems

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying if a group has more, the same or less when items are taken or added to a group

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Predicting by specific number amount, how many more or less of items in a group there will be when items are taken or added to the group

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using 1:1 counting skills to identify ‘how many items have left’ a group and how many ‘items stay’

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using 1:1 counting skills to identify quantities in two smaller groups and then ‘all together’ if they were joined or added

Substrand: 2.0
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To indicate which group of objects has ‘more’ items use a Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA) /Speech Generated Device (SGD) (e.g., Go Talk, Cheap Talk, Activity Pad, Super Talker) programmed with math terminology to respond to questions and to participate

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To reinforce number recognition use gross and fine motor skills by writing large numbers in chalk on sidewalk or pavement or by writing smaller numbers using finger paint, shaving cream, sand, salt, rice at a table

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Place numbers 1-10 on a switch adapted spinner to use in any board game or counting activity.  Can also try using a Spinner app from Android or for an iPad

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use manipulatives or a number line to count when one object is ‘added’ or one object is ‘taken away’

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a variety of finger play counting songs with pictures and numbers (e.g., Ten little monkeys jumping on a bed; Five little monkeys swinging in a tree; Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate; Five green and speckled frogs) Could add repetitive or next verse to a preprogrammed Step by Step switch

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Have child use icons in communication book, sign language, or point to indicate which is more/less/same when referring to groups of objects or pictures of groups of objects

Domain 3
Strand: Number Sense
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use computer game  (link to borrow) or tablet application related to the concept in Math of 'how many'. Child can use a use mouse, switch or have them point to the correct number on a picture card

Strand: Algebra and Functions

Substrand: 1.0
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set out a collection of buttons with different colors, sizes and shapes and string to make necklaces. Have children sort the buttons placing them into containers by size or color. Encourage children to find the ‘same’. Some children may benefit from using just two colors of buttons or have the color of the container match the color of buttons you are trying to sort. (sorting by size, shape, and color or all at once).

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

When children are using crayons sorted into same color cups for coloring, model and encourage them to put the crayons back in their same color cup when they are done with the activity.

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Do a matching game with fabric swatches or have the children look at patterns in their clothes and sort one another into groups depending on types of patterns in their clothes.

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Play the “Shoe Game” where everyone puts in one shoe and a child has to find the owner. (It can be a bit odorous on a warm day, but lots of fun.)

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Create a visual of a clapping pattern so children can hear and see it.

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

At circle time, call up various groupings of children. Invite children to stand next to each other according to height (in ascending order or invite all children wearing blue to sit together, all children wearing yellow to sit next to each other, etc.

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set up a large group activity in which children sort themselves into groups based on a particular attribute of their shoes (e.g., laces, slip-ons, Velcro) or shirt sleeve length, or hair/eye color, etc.

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Bury items in sensory table or sand box and encourage children to sort and classify the ‘buried treasures’ they find.

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Have muffin tins, egg cartons and ice cube trays available for children to collect leaves, rocks and other items on the play yard and encourage them to sort and classify their nature collections.

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Create a baggie book. Make a baggie book by alternating paper and small baggies, stapled together along the seam of the baggie, leaving the opening along the top. Provide a collection of items to sort and put into each baggy or go on a nature walk and collect different items to put into their baggies. Encourage children to sort by attribute such as color, size, texture, etc. Write the attribute on the paper adjacent to the items.

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Eye Color Chart. Using mirrors, have children examine their eyes to determine their color. Using index cards have the child color a picture of their eyes. Using the index cards have the children graph or sort the cards by color. Discuss what color has the most and least. This activity could also be done with the children’s favorite colors.

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Have everyone take off their shoes and put them into a pile in the middle. Ask children to help sort them by their attributes (those with laces, slip on, sneakers, by color). Compare shoe sizes and put them in order from smallest to largest.

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Sink or float - Collect a number of different items from around the classroom and a tub of water. Have the children test each item to see if it floats or sinks. Sort the items into their corresponding groups. This activity can also be done with magnets.

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Special animal day - Invite the children to bring their special stuffed animal from home. This could be a full day event with a picnic and other activities. Have the children sort their animals by attributes such as small, big, long/short, bears/other. Line them up from smallest to biggest.

Substrand: 1.0
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Matching objects

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Sorting groups of toys

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Sorting colors

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Sorting shapes

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Sorting by size

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Sorting by two different attributes at the same time (e.g., color and shape)

Substrand: 1.0
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Have children continue to sort items during clean-up activities, through-out the day indoors and outdoors

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Play computer matching game, use adapted big switch/mouse or touch screen to select correct color.  Find free equipment to try at the AT Exchange

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

For color matching and fine motor, play a clothes pin match game, write color on paper and on the clothes pin

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

 For color matching, create a color match game using ready to print templates.  Then create patterns with colors.

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Play shape bingo, to secure shapes on cards use Velcro, templates are ready to print

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use ready to print shape match games.  Match shapes then have children create patterns.  Add Velcro to secure shapes on cards, laminate or use contact paper to make it durable

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create picture match games from images found in magazines/newspaper ads or online catalogs 

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Place printed pictures (online stores, newspaper ads or catalogs) of toys around the room to help child match toys when cleaning up

Substrand: 2.0
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.1 recognize patterns) Dance to music using movement patterns: Tap knees, head, knees, head, etc. Have children help you come up with new dance ideas and patterns and have fun moving to their favorite songs.

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.1 recognize patterns) Have children choose one of three musical instruments: bells, tambourines or shakers to play. Allow children to use their instrument to accompany a song. Next have them listen to the adult model a pattern to a song. Have the children copy the pattern. Example: create pattern of playing bells first, tambourines second, shakers third and repeat pattern. Vary the pattern. Ask children to demonstrate their own pattern and have peers follow.

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.1 recognize patterns) Call children to line in a pattern (e.g., boy, girl, boy, girl). Ask children to help you guess who will be called next based on the pattern.

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.1 recognize patterns) While on a nature walk point out patterns in nature with children. Various patterns are often visible on the bark of trees, caterpillars and flowers.

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.2 create and extend patterns) Set out large dyed noodles in a few different colors and string/pipe-cleaners for children to create their own pattern to string a necklace or a bracelet. Model for children how to make a pattern or let them come up with their own patterns.

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.2 create and extend patterns) Make fruit kebabs. Given a variety of sliced fruit (melon balls, strawberries, grapes, pineapple, apple, oranges), allow children to create a pattern on their sticks.

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(2.2 create and extend patterns) Straw necklaces - Provide different colored straws for children to cut. Provide string and encourage the children to create their own pattern necklaces.

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Explore patterning with Elmo.  Extend the activity by having children help create patterns with fruits and vegetables.

Substrand: 2.0
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Participating in movement patterns in large group (e.g., clapping hands, stomping legs, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, etc.)

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Creating or extending simple ABAB patterns, then more complex patterns with manipulatives such as legos or blocks

Substrand: 2.0
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a pattern for child to match using colored blocks-bristle blocks, cars or other high interest items. Put Velcro on the bottom of the items or use non-skid shelf liner and attach to a tray to help stabilize the item

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a pattern of larger giant or chunky colored beads with texture if appropriate, apply tape at the end of the string (duct tape or packing tape) to assist child with stringing

Domain 3
Strand: Algebra and Functions
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use an adapted mouse or joystick to access online pattern games.  Borrow free computer input equipment at the AT Exchange

Strand: Measurement

Substrand: 1.0
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.1 compare and order objects) When cleaning up toys, talk about items that are ‘heavy’, 'light', 'little', ‘big’, etc.

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.1 compare and order objects) Building with unifex cubes, hold up a unifex wand that you have made to compare the length to a wand a child has made. Use words to compare them “Mine is longer/taller”, encouraging children to use descriptive comparison words.

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.1 compare and order objects) Provide children with a balance scale, items that are light and items that are heavy. Have children experiment putting items on the scale to see which items weigh the same, which are heavier, which are lighter. Are there “more” light items in the room or are there “more” heavy items in the room?

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.1 compare and order objects) Have children hold and weigh various sized vegetables and fruits to determine which are heavier and lighter. Also have them compare for size: big, medium and small.

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.1 compare and order objects) Set out various sized ramps, blocks and cars. Have children set up the ramps as they would like, adding any blocks needed to increase the height of the ramp. Have children add their cars for racing down the ramps. Ask them to compare the fastest car and the slowest car going down the ramp.

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.1 compare and order objects) Have name cards with every child’s first name available at the writing center.  Encourage the children to compare the length of their names ("Whose name has more letters?"  "Which name is longer?" etc.).

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.1 compare and order objects) Ants on a log - Cut different lengths of celery for snack/comparison activity. Spread peanut butter on the celery sticks (logs), add a few raisins for the “ants”. Have the children compare their different “log” lengths using vocabulary such as longer, longest, shorter, shortest.

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.2 order objects by size) Play restaurant in the Dramatic Play area using different size food items, drink choices, and bowls. When ordering food, use size words to order the food ‘Large cup’ or ‘medium cup’ etc. Encourage children to place the small food on the small plate and line up their food/cups/plates in order before ‘eating’. Additionally when cleaning up, clearly mark where children can put the ‘small’, ‘medium’ and ‘large’ items.

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.2 order objects by size) Provide nesting cups during water and sand play. Encourage the children to nest the cups while talking about their sizes.

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.2 order objects by size) While children are playing with play dough, make several different size 'pancakes', tortillas', or 'dognut holes.' Begin setting them up in size order and encourage children to either make their own or help you put them in order.

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.2 order objects by size) Read the story 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears', show the children 3 different sized chairs, bowls and beds (small, medium and large- for beds could use different size blankets). Next, have children put the items in order from small, medium to large. Talk about and/or act out details of what happened in the story when Goldilocks sat in a different sized chairs, ate from a different sized bowls and slept in different sized beds.

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.3 measure length) Set up the Dramatic Play area like a shoe store and have children measure their feet. See how many inchworms, legos or unifex cubes long their foot is to determine which shoes they can 'pretend to buy'. Make sure to put out shoes in the pretend shoe store so there are shoes ‘too big’ and ‘too small’ so that children can experiment with size differences.

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.3 measure length) In pairs, have children lay down and “measure” each other’s body lengths with blocks. Line up a uniform (the same squares or rectangles) block to see whose body takes the most blocks. Record and discuss the findings.

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.3 measure length) During snack, show children how they can measure different things using pretzels, gold fish or whatever is for snack that day. Show them how to line up the snack against different sized napkins or plates to see how many fit.

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Create measurement games that focus on comparing sizes, sorting, putting items in a row from smallest to largest, etc.

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Explore measurement and balance through a variety of activities shared on this video.  Teach concepts such as heavy/light, volume and weight while integrating counting and estimating.

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Set up a measurement exploration station with tools such as a variety of scales and measuring tools.  Allow children to explore the tools in the environment.

Substrand: 1.0
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying which objects are ‘big’ and which are ‘small’ when next to or compared to each other

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying which objects are ‘short’ and which are 'longer/taller' when next to or compared to each other side by side

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying which objects are ‘heavy’ when handling materials or objects in play

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Matching sizes in groups of objects (e.g., small bowl goes on the small placemat, medium bowl on the medium placemat, large bowl on the large placemat)

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Matching lengths (e.g., building block towers to be the same height)

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Putting a series of objects in size order

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Using tools such as a scale, string, or ruler to discover which item is heavier or longer

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Counting out ‘how many’ of an item it would take to create a specific length (e.g., 5 corks to make one large wooden block)

Substrand: 1.0
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use manipulatives, sign language, icons or pictures to demonstrate an understanding of size, length or weight.  Offer choices using partner assisted scanning strategies 

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Have available a variety of different sized measuring cups for sand and water play. Use communication symbols or sign language to allow the child to comment or compare the weight, length or size

Domain 3
Strand: Measurement
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Strand: Geometry

Substrand: 1.0
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.1 identify shapes) Make a snack mix together made up of crackers or cereals of different shapes (cheerios, Ritz cracker, saltines, graham crackers, cheese crackers etc.). Talk about making a 'shape recipe' and talk about the different shapes as you put them in a bag or bowl to mix them up. As you eat the snack for day or week, revisit shape names as you are eating.

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.1 identify shapes) Put out different shaped cookie cutters in the play dough area along with placemats with different shapes (store bought or homemade). Encourage children to make different shapes with dough or shaving cream. Ask children to communicate when they create a match.

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Using small play dough balls and cut straws have the children create shapes (square, rectangle, triangle, diamond). Use the play dough to hold the straws together. Discuss how many sides each shape has and the length of the sides (long/short).

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.1 identify shapes) Have children paint with cookie cutter shapes.  Draw attention to the shapes and discuss the shape's attributes.

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.2 combine shapes) Set up an art project in the art area so children can use different shapes to make something of their choosing. Cut out a variety of different shapes using scraps of paper. If needed, show children how they can make a pumpkin face, boat, tree, etc. using different shapes. Encourage children to come up with their own ideas or just make their own shape collage. Identify which shapes they choose using words, sign language (or communication board/ device).

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.2 combine shapes) Use different size magnets on a refrigerator, magnet board, or cookie sheet. Model how to make new designs together using shape vocabulary. Show child how to create new shapes out of two others (e.g., two triangles can make a square etc.).

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

(1.2 combine shapes) Make shape collages such as “triangle art” out of cut out triangles made from a variety of materials including fabric, plastic, cereal boxes, and wallpaper. Make the triangles or other shapes a variety of sizes. If children have a story to tell about their art write down their words, encouraging the use of the name of the shape and its' attributes (e.g., "A triangle has three straight sides and three angles.").

Substrand: 1.0
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Matching shapes

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying shapes by pointing to them, naming them, or using a voice output device

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying shapes as a part of objects in the general environment around them

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Identifying the attributes of shapes (triangle has 3 sides, etc.)

Substrand: 1.0
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create shape book using various textures and materials to support interest levels - ready to print

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create/use a choice board depicting different shapes or use a communication device preprogrammed with names of shapes for children to communicate shape names or to match the shapes

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Shape bingo — Use contact paper or laminate for durability and use velcro to attach shapes to bingo board

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Shape match — use contact paper or laminate for durability and velcro to attach shapes to match board - ready to print

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Shape people — use Velcro to attach shapes.  Explain that some shapes in the environment are similar to a triangle (e.g., a pizza slice or coat hanger), or a square (e.g., a box [cube], or a brownie), but are not a true triangle or true square.  Read the book, 'Shapes, Shapes, Shapes' by Tana Hoban and then Go on a "Shape Hunt"   Discuss the attributes of shapes and which shapes are, and are not, a true triangle, square, etc.  Depending on child’s needs, child may need adapted scissors or shapes can be pre-cut. — ready to print

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create and use tactile cards, black markers, sandpaper, pipe cleaners, highlighters, etc. to emphasize the shapes you are focusing on

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Provide a touchscreen, or adapted mouse input equipment to access shape sorting and matching online games

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Adapt foam shapes by attaching Velcro backing. Use these with boards that have attached velcro for shape bingo or shape matching

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Substrand: 2.0
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Play hide and go seek with a child’s stuffed animals by hiding them somewhere in the room and then using position word clues to help children find them. (e.g., "Teddy is under the chair.", "Bunny is behind the desk." etc.).

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

In the classroom during a potty routine, emphasize words pants ‘up’ and pants ‘down.’  Encourage children to imitate words or use gestures such as pointing up and down to help with dressing.  At home while getting dressed in the morning, talk about concepts such as feet ‘inside’ shoes and feet ‘outside’ shoes, etc.

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Share with the children about the 'class mascot.'  Emphasizing positional vocabulary, explain that the mascot likes to go in different places in the class.  "Sometimes we can see him but sometimes we can’t see him. Where will he go? Let’s close our eyes, count to five and see where he likes to hide. He likes to go on top of the shelf, under the blanket, on the chair, next to the paint easel and sit behind the computer."

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Lead games or songs such as ‘I Spy Shapes’, ‘Simon Says’, London Bridges', or 'Hokey Pokey' at group time and during transitions.

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Have children physically position themselves in the room to demonstrate various positions in space: on a parachute, under a parachute, inside a large box, outside a box, standing up and sitting down. Play music as children are finding where to go for each position in space.

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Take pictures of the children in different positions around the room such as under the table, next to the easel, behind the bookcase. Print the pictures and post them around the room with the prepositional words written underneath. They could also be assembled into a classroom book.

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Have the children help create an obstacle course. Describe their movements as they maneuver their way through the course. Use vocabulary such as on top of, beside, under, through, over.

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

During snack time make a sandwich while discussing the top, bottom and middle parts. Or during block or dramatic play, "build" or make a sandwich and draw attention to top, middle, and bottom sections.

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Build a house out of a refrigerator box. Discuss inside, outside, in front, behind, next to, etc.

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Create shape cards and invite children to play the "Going on a shape hunt" game.  You can even give the children "special" glasses to help them look for certain shapes in the environment.  To help the children, you can place items around the room for them to find in the shape of circle, square and triangle.

Substrand: 2.0
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

In play, imitating various spatial positions (e.g., ball in the box, ball under the box, or imitating their peers in group games such as Simon Says)

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Responding to simple directions involving prepositional labels such as 'in/on/under/over', first with familiar requests then with more novel requests

Substrand: 2.0
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use computer software with touch screen/adapted mouse or tablet applications that emphasize prepositions

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Add Velcro to the sides of a box to demonstrate positions in space (e.g., above, under, beside). Attach small toys in various positions

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To assist a child in describing or demonstrating their understanding of prepositions, create/use variety of stories/songs, etc. (e.g., speaking of speech - prepositions) that reflect the concepts you are focusing on. Can cut out icons and attach Velcro to icon or to the storyboard

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Take pictures of child or objects in various positions in space. Laminate/cover them in contact paper and add a Velcro dot on the back of each picture. Encourage child to place these on a choice board to demonstrate understanding or to describe location of objects

Domain 3
Strand: Geometry
Substrand: 2.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use computer preposition game with adapted mouse/simple switch or touch screen for selecting appropriate preposition

Strand: Mathematical Reasoning

Substrand: 1.0
Foundation: Teaching Strategies

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

In class (or encourage parents to do at home) have special helpers set up dinner or snack tables so that they have to eventually use all their ‘math skills. Have children find out how many people are going to sit and how many items to get using counting skills, one-to-one correspondence skills (setting one plate for one placemat, etc.). They can use their classification skills in cleaning up the small forks, large spoons or matching the red spoon to the red fork etc. A child may at first help with one aspect, as time goes on they may pick up other jobs incorporating more of these skills.

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Give children all of the pieces for a floor puzzle. Provide an area on the floor that is too small to fit the whole puzzle. As children are putting together the pieces, guide them through questions of where do you think that will go. As it gets closer to completion, ask them, "Why won’t this puzzle fit here?" See if the children are able to come up with a solution to the puzzle not fitting in the small area. Do they move the whole puzzle to another area or do they have another idea?

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Ask open ended questions such as “How will we figure this out?” “I wonder what the solution is?” and “I wonder how we can fix this?” Encourage children to use their math skills to solve problems.

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Sing a ‘Who is Missing’ song and ask children to name children in the class and count how many are missing from class on a given day (“How can we find out who is missing today?”)

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Have children predict how long or how much something is and then measure it. (e.g., a pumpkin’s belly, how many cups of water in the container, how much a rock weighs) After this have the children compare their predictions and sort them in a variety of ways.

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 1-Teaching Strategies

Read Molly Bang's book, "The Doorbell Rang".  With felt or paper cookies, have the children reenact the story providing a description of what's happening to the cookies with each new person that comes to the house.  This is a great book to discuss the concept of sharing.  You could make cookies with the children as a fun extension activity and talk about quantity when it comes time to eat them.

Substrand: 1.0
Foundation: Goals Children Might be Working on

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Generalizing math skills in everyday environments (giving equal amount of trains to a new friend when he/she joins in train play)

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 2-Goals Children Might be Working on

Imitate problem solving strategies (from peers or adults) in activities or play

Substrand: 1.0
Foundation: Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Children with vocal or motor challenges could use a preprogrammed communication device with a phrase or prop to indicate child's response related to math activities they are working on

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Adapt toys and games with Velcro for easier grasping and stacking or non-skid material for positioning

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use first-then boards for task completion and finishing an activity before going to the next

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use scripted social stories to teach ways to solve problems positively

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Download problem solving solution cards to help children with cues on how to solve or avoid challenges

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use engaging math apps on an iPad in order to give access to number concepts for students with motor limitations

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use a variety of counting songs with pictures and numbers (e.g., Ten little monkeys jumping on a bed; Five little monkeys swinging in a tree; Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate; Five green and speckled frogs). Have children point to number in coomunication book or select preprogrammed voice output device with number recorded for each song verse

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create simple matching games. Match numerals (1-5) with appropriate quantities of objects or pictures

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a matching card game or colors/numberd activity with words/colors, color/colors

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Use manipulatives, icons, sign language, realia, or pictures to demonstrate understanding of size, length or weight during play activities

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Have available a variety of different size measuring cups for sand and water play. Use pictures or signs to allow child to comment or compare regarding weight, length or size.  Remember to use partner assisted scanning strategies

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

To assist child in matching objects to pictures or classifying in order of size, length, weight, or amount use some general basic math skills ideas.  Utilize materials appropriate for your student such as realia, real photos of objects, larger items or high color contrast or use materials that relate to their daily routine activities

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports

Create a choice board using math related terminology such as symbols or words for length, weight, size, amount

Domain 3
Strand: Mathematical Reasoning
Substrand: 1.0
Fdn: 3-Additional Assistive Technology Supports
10474 Mather Boulevard | P.O. Box 269003 | Sacramento, CA 95826 | 916-228-2388 | rryan@scoe.net
Under the direction of and funded by the California Department of Education, Special Education Division
Produced by SEEDS